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MINUTES <br />City Council <br />May 8, 1985 <br />OLson Mr. ~ruce Olson appeared before the Council approval of an auto <br />Auto Repair repai.r li.cense for hi_s busi.ness at 3175 Spruce Street. Mr. Olson stated <br /> that he has been in operation since January of 19fl4 and dicl not realize <br />Agenda that a li.cense was requised. Mr. OLson sCated that he had no outctoor <br />Item No. 11 storage and that he was a one-man operation. <br />Mrsa Nardini i.ntroduced the resolution and moved i.ts adoption: <br />RP,SOLUTION N0. IIS-5-217 - APPROVING THli A11T0 <br />RfiPAIR LICIiNSE RL'QUIKCSTFill 13Y EIRUCE OLSON AT <br />3175 SPRUCG STRE~T <br />The fore~oing resolution was duly seconded by Mr. I'ahey. <br />Ayes (5) Nardini., Fahey, Scalze, Blesener, CoLlova. <br />Nayes (0). <br />Resolution declared adopted. <br />This resoluti.on appears in Resolution IIook No. 12, Page 7_ll, <br />Richard Mr. Richard Anderson appeared bef.ore the Council regardin~ l~is proposal <br />Anderson to annex his property in Mapl.ewood to the Ci.ty of: Little Canada. <br />Property <br />Annexation Mrs. Scalze stated that she was not in favor ot Che annexati.on. <br />Scalze stated that she had a problem with developers trying to get a <br />Agencta better deal from cities. <br />Item No. 12 <br />Pahey stated that he ~aas not opposed to the annexation if it ~aere done <br />by a joint powers agreement. Pahey stated that if P1aplecvood was <br />comfortable coith it, then it was Line with him. Fahey stated that he <br />would not, however, figl~t Maplewood over this property. <br />Mr. Anderson staCed that Mr. Richie would be in favor oL the annexation <br />as, then a11 his land would be in Little Canada. <br />Mrs, Scalze pointed out that Mr. Anderson has already a~r.eed to p,ive <br />access to the por.tion of the proper.ty behind him in Little Canada that <br />has no other access. <br />Mr. Anderson stated that he is puCting in se~aer and cvater to this property, <br />and :iC would be easier not to have to cross city boundaries. Scalze <br />felt there would be no problem with this. <br />Anderson felt that it would be si.mpler to have one city involved in most <br />of these problem. Anderson stated that from an standpoint, <br />Maplewood i.s in favor of the annexation, but the Council Level may have <br />a different viewpoint. <br />Mrs. Scalze pointed out that under the Ci.ty's assessment policy, P1r. <br />Anderson would pay more f.or because he is located in a neighboring <br />city C}~en if he were in LiCCle Canada. <br />Page -12- <br />