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05-08-85 Council Minutes
City Council Meeting Minutes
05-08-85 Council Minutes
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MtNU•res <br /> cou„~~i <br />May 8, 1985 <br />Minutes <br />(Cont.) <br />The foregoing resolution caas duly seconded 6y Mr. CoLlova. <br />Ayes (5) Blesener, Collova,, Scalze, Fahey. <br />Nayes (0). <br />Resolu[ion declared adopted. <br />This resolution appears in Resolution Book No. 12, Page 20II. <br />Computer Ms. Jean Podominick reported thaC the MinnesoCa Education Computing <br />System Corporation is inCerested in the City Uecomin~; a piLot City for their <br />software. Under the system, the City would gat their software free-of- <br />Agenda charge and in return the City would be expected to answer questions from <br />Item No. 4 other cities about the soft~vare and perhaps demonstrate i.t. Also, the <br />City ~oould be expected to purchase an annual support service from the <br />Company and give them a letCer of approval on the softcaare. The cost <br />of the annual support agreement is $600 for Che first year. <br />Mrs. Scal.ze asked iL the City would be gettin~; a lot oE ca11s on the <br />software. Podominick stated that she <lid not anticipate this as a big <br />problem for the City. <br />Podominick also reported that the soEtware has been running in pilot <br />school programs for 6 months and should be of initial bugs. <br />The City Auditor also reported that he suppor[s Ms. Podominick's <br />recommendation. Mr. Voto also reported that the City woul.d also <br />receive a 20% discount on other services durin~ the firsl year. <br />Vo[o also pointed out that the support that the City would be receiving <br />is local and thi.s software should ati the least be as good as the software <br />that lhe Cily was ori~inally looking at. tlowever, there is no utility <br />bilLing sofr,ware; but the City can purchase this from another company <br />at a reasonable cost. <br />VoCO sCated that there will be another support agreement and vendor <br />for the utiLi.ty billing system. <br />Mr. Pahey introduced the following resolution and moved its adopcion: <br />R~SOLUTION N0. 85-5-209 - A[JTFIORI7ING THE <br />PURGHASE OP IBM AT COMPUTER HARDWARE L'ROhf <br />TEL~'1'ERMINALS AND FURTtIER AUTFIORIZING THAT <br />A UTILITY BILLING SYSTGM I3L PURCHASEU PROM <br />TIIP S'LATE OF MINNESOTA AS SOON AS POSSII~LT; ANll T}IAT <br />T(3F, CiTY ENTER IN'LO TI~C YROPOSED AGREEMEN'1' WITkI <br />THE MINNESOTA EDUCATION COMPUTING CORPORA'LION AS <br />OUTLINED IN THEIR MAY 8, 1.985 LETTER l1NDER TH~IR <br />ALYIIA TES1' SITE ARRANGEMPNT <br />The foregoing resolution olas duly seconded by Mrs. Scalz.e. <br />Ayes (5) Pahey~ Scalze, Nardini, Collova, Blesener. <br />Nayes (0). <br />Resolution declared adopted. <br />'Lhis resolution appears in Resolution IIool< No. 12, Page 209. <br />PaQe -2- <br />
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