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05-28-85 Council Workshop Minutes
City Council Meeting Minutes
05-28-85 Council Workshop Minutes
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P97NU1'I'sS <br />Ci.t:y Council <br />a~ <br />rn~~y -~-, ~ vas <br />Community & P1r. Clausen stated Ch~t he was pl.eased to see the term "human <br />Nei.ghborhood services" i n the defi.nition su bmi.tted by itr. I3lesener. <br />Cen[ers <br />(Cont.) Mrs< Scalze stated that she has brolcen docvn the uses of Pai.rview <br /> as follows: 53~ C;ommunity Fducation; 12% T'ducati.onal Services; <br /> 13% Ramsey County; 22% Sociul Agenc~ics not limi.ted to District 623. <br /> Scal.ze Lett that UisCr~ict 623 should b e at least half the use or <br />4 res. 85-6-274 more at ti.~.i~ ~uiez,~~ Kellogg~ . <br /> Mr. Pahey w as concernecl that th~ term "Human Serv:i.ces" might mean <br /> that the Ci. ty woul<I 4;et: stuck an adult detenti.on center. Pahey <br /> staCed that: he does not caant anything i.n Kellogg that wi.l.l not be <br /> appreci.aCed by the ci.ti.zens of. Little Canada. ~ <br />Mr. Clausen stated that: Pai.rview does not lease space to commercial <br />fi.rms and has no i.ntenCion of doing so. GJhen Group W came to Lal<e <br />Owasso, they were inf:ormed tkiat i.f Chey got app~roval from Itosev1.11e, <br />then it would be O.K. with the School Distr:Lct< 7'he Latce Owasso <br /> i.s now presentl.y on Che tax and Group 41 i.s paying Che <br />Caxes. <br />Clausen stated that the same woul.d apply in Little Canada, thaC i.f <br />a venture wanted to eent space in Che building, they <br />would have to get. the ap~>roval of: the City before the School Di.stri.ct <br />cvoul.d act on Che r.equest:. A1so, the percer~tage oP the bui.l~ing used, <br />~oould bc puC on the tax ro11s< Thi.s has been done in other Communi.ty <br />CenCers ~i.n the State. <br />Mrs. Scalze po:inLed out that Che School D~i.sCri.ct knows what tl~ie City's <br />4 res-85-6-274 7O1ing cocle says. Scalze also poinCed o~~t that the School District <br />has 9 buildi.ngs west of Dal.e SCreet ancdl-<c easC o£ Dale. Scalze also . <br />poinT.ed out that Group W is a publ.ical.l.y-regul.ated utili.[:y. p A11 of th2 <br />res n~ u es.of th se 9 ld we t of ale w ld also fit into Little <br />~anad~a s Z~oning co~e. t~ier~f~dre ~ur co~e 1sn0~ unr ason ble <br />Fahey ste~ted th2c the City wants the sarne uses that t~~e ot~ier Uui.ldi.n~s <br />have and does not want the junk in I.,i.ttle Canada. <br />Scalze stated Chat the City does not want a use that does not Eit <br />w~i.thi.n the Ci.Ly's coninp, code. Scalze sCated that she does not want. <br />a Communi.Cy Center. that is used 90% by Ramsey County, <br />Cl.ausen sCated thaC the center be used primar~il.y by the reside~~nes <br />of the School. Distzict. Cl.ausen pointed out that the School Di.strict <br />consisCS of the Roseville Area Schools and ].isted, <br />Scal.ze stext:ed thaC Che shoul.d be in t1~e center of Che distri.ct, <br />because by their locati.on they ar.e used pr~irnarily by the people in <br />that area. <br />Pahey stated that the Ci.ty has a deLi.n:i.t:ion of communi_Cy center and <br />Lhe Ci_ty has public zoning. TYiis .Ls defined iii the City Code.. P'ahey <br />pointed out tkiaC he r.epresents [he City ancl he wa~its to see that. the <br />Ci.ty benef.its by whatever goes into the Kell.ogg bui.l.clin~;< Tahey stated <br />that he i.s i.nterested in the community Ei.rst< <br />Pa~e -8- <br />
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