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MINt77'liS <br />~aty Counc~i.l. <br />June 25, 1985 <br />Sophi_c./ ;:1r. Pai~ey s~iggesCed that P7essrs. Sophi.~; and Peterson meet coiCh Che <br />7?cCersori Park Commission. Scalze poi.nted ouC thaC imcier Che Parl.c Comr~~issi.on's <br />Proocrey recommendaCi.on, ehe clevelopers o~oulcl l.ose onl.y Cwo 1ot,. <br />(Con~.) <br />Fatiey felt that si.ace the City is; t_he deve].opers' ab:i.lity <br />to g;o through to County Ro,:id D, ehe Counc:Ll. :;hould be il.exi.ble. on the <br />Laliore Road issue. NIr. L'lesener pointed otat Chat even if: k1iFy went <br />C1~rough to County Itoad ll, i.t woi~ld noi: Lie1p Che ~?eoblern on the <br />south en<L ~3lesener tel.t that the develo~ers cou].d develop norih <br />oE Allain, but ~akien they devel.op south oE t17.1an, the ro~.~d snould ~;o <br />ttirougli Co Lail3ore. <br />Mc.Donalds Ms. Kay Kassi.nger ~ippear.ed be.tore the Cotmci.l requesCinf; appr.~ovai o£ <br />CUP & ~i condit.i.onr:il ~ise permi.C foc a curb cut onto P1i.nnesota Avenue and <br />Vari.ance nlso Ior a variance for an add~iCional ~yloi~~ sign. <br />A~enda Mr. I'ahey pointed out: Ck~aC Che Pl.anni.n~ Coenmi.ssion recommendecl t:haC <br />7:tem No< 4 the curb cut: be ~zp~roved and Chat the vz~r9.ance be deni.ecl. <br />There oras ^o onc presc~nt Co cominenL~ on P1cDonalds' request. <br />hi,. lCassin~;er poi.nted out tliaC StreeC and blinnesota Avenue :i.s <br />now a conCrolled i.nter.section and that the additi.onal. curb cuC. would <br />al.l.eviate a traff'.i.c problem on 3ice Stree:t. <br />Y.assi.nger poinCed ouC Che si.ze oP. the N,(cDonalds pr.operty ancl f:el.r. thaC <br />due to the exces:, size ari adcl~i[:i.onal s~ign w~s warranted. <br />rfrs. Sc~1ze felt that a 50 Ioot pylon w~s overki.ll. <br />Kassint;er sC~ited tl~ia[ [.hey w:,uld pro~ab7.y do a balloon tesC to <br /> the I1e~.i.~hC of Che <br />C1r. 'Btesener po:i.nte<I out Chat Hi~hway 36 is l.o~o ~nd Chere are 12~r~e <br />Crees along Vil<i.rig 1Cassinger. staCecl t1~~~t they would consid¢r <br />the ar.qui.sit.ic>n of addi.tional. property aloe~~ Vikin~; Urive Ior moire <br />visibiliCy of the si~n. <br />Scalze sC~ted Cha[ she ~~„reed the P1~inning Comrniss:i.on that i.E <br />P4cDonalds owns pr.opex•Cy on h9:innesota, i.t :i., noC up T.o Che Ci.(:y to <br />~rovicle vi.sibi.l:i.ty to !ligl~way 36. t<assinger poinCed ouC t:hac U,~e. <br />sign ox•dinancc says on:ly one i>yl.on and ~~(cllonaids does not: w~int co <br />t:.ake Che currenC ~?yl.on do~on and move i.t. However., McDonalds woul.d <br />considcr ac~~uiring mm-e property on Vilcin~; iF en additional <br />py~lon ~aoul.ct be approved. <br />ilr. Pahey poi.nted out that the Little Canadc~ ~1all has two pyl.ons zmd <br />aslced wliat the C~ity did i.n ch~.Ls cuse. Tahey su~gesCed tl~iat che <br />Council. ~ct on the tirsC issue and Cabl.e ac:ti.oii on the pylon unt:il <br />thi.s can be irroesC:.~igated. <br />Pa~,e -4- <br />