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i4INU'L1,S <br />Ci.ty Counci.l. <br />June 7_6~ 7.9£l5 <br />McDonalds D1r. B.Lesene,r intr.oduced Chie foll.ow:i.n~ re~~olution and moved i.tS adoj~>tio~i: <br />(Cont.) <br />RISSOLUTI:O\ N0. f35-b-307 - CLOSSAIG 'CHli P1113LSC <br />PIE~RING OP7 TFtC McDOD7ALd)S CONDI'.CIONAL USP P~RMI7' <br />AT!ll SIGN VAS2IANCL' RIiQIIES'PS <br />The; ~resolution cvas duly secon<led by hlr. Collova. <br />Ayce (~~~), Col.i.ova, Pahey, Sc11ze. <br />Nayes (0). <br />12esoluti.on declared adoptecl. <br />Ttz~is appe~ls i.n 7~tesoluCion Boolc zlo< 1'L, Pagc 312. <br />A1r. itleserxer inCroduced t:kie fo11o« zincl rnovcd ~i.ts adopCi.on: <br />P.PSOLllTlON ;VO. &5-6-30£3 - APPROV:[NC Tliti <br />CONDT7.'IO~AI, USI? PtiPNf7'C I'OFt A S1.CONl) CUR13 CU7' <br />ODI MINNi,SO'i'!A AVliNUi? AS RPQUFS'L'GD BY r1CU0NALllS <br />"CO AI,LtsVTAT13 SON[Ps OT T}LE 'TP.AI~'FICE I;UIIJ)-UP <br />ON I~ICIC ;i'CRET'C <br />`Phe resolution was du7.y seconded by Mrs. Scalae. <br />Ayes (~F) Bl.esei~er, Sca1.Ge, P~ihe:y, Collov~i, <br />Nayes (0). <br />Resoluti.on cleclared adopted. <br />Th:i.s reso7.uti.on appears i.n Resolut:i.on llook No. 12, Yage 31.3. <br />~1r. Pahey i.nC~roduced Che following resol.uCioTi ~nd moved i.CS adoption: <br />RfiSOLUTI0T1 N0. FS-6-309 -~ 'I'Ai~i,IDIG AC~,'.I:Oid ON <br />THi; hfcDONALDS Rl'sQU7;S'1' PO?2 SIGPI VARIANCL UN7,'7I, <br />'CHE JIJI,`t '1,4~ COUNCiL MISP;C:ING <br />'Che forego~i_ng resoluCtorl was duly seconded by Mrs. Scalze. <br />~yes (4) Falic:y, Scal.ze, P,lesener, Col.l.ova. <br />Naiyes (0). <br />Resolut,i.on declared adopted. <br />7'hi, resol.ution appears in Resoluti.on Boolc No. 12, Page 3~14. <br />Thund~r. 13ay Mr. 'Prar~k 1'r.atCaloi~~e appeared beiore the Counci.'l. anci requested approval <br />Acldi.ti.oii of. Che revised 'Chunder 13<iy Addition p1at. <br />Agencia P1r. Pahey ooi.nted ouC that Che PLanni_n~ Commission I~as recornmender.l <br />Item P1o. 6 approv~l of thea p1at:. <br />The f?n}3ineer rFported that: hE is recommendi.n~ that the drai.nage pip~ <br />a'I.on~; lot: lines b~~ i_nstal.led as previously discussecl eC the last <br />, <br />Page -5- <br />