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~zNUrrs <br />cicy coun~il <br />Oct, 2, 1985 <br />I.tedistr.icting Fahey poi.nted out that the City of Palcon Hei.ghts has taken a <br />(Cont>) position against redistricting. Pahey felt that the Little Canada <br />Cou~cil should talce a position in favor of the issue so that Little <br />Canada residents are not mislead by these actions> Fahey felt that <br />there should be no representation wi.thouC equali.zation. Fahey stated <br />that unless the School. Uistrict is divi.ded into equal election districts, <br />the City of. Little Canada i.s not adequately represented by the District. <br />The Ci.ty Clerk asked what the new districts would look like< Mrs. Scalze <br />replied that basically Little Canada would have its own electi.on district, <br />Fahey pointe<t out that since 1949 when the School llistrict was organizedy <br />75% of the School I3oard members have been from the west side of the <br />district> Pahey pointed out that the School Districts that have gone <br />to equal election districts have found that they have eliminated <br />special interest ~roups, P'ahey felt that Che equal election districts <br />is a methoct by some unity and healing and coming together can <br />be acomplished. <br />Fahey Lelt that the equal districts were very positive for everyone, and <br />no different from what has Ueen done at. the State and L' levels, <br />Fahey submitted to the Council a proposed letCer he woul.d like disLributed <br />to Little Canada residents on the issue and asked Lor Gouncil endorsement <br />of the letter. <br />Scalze pointed out that what has happened in the past i.s that there has <br />not been a strong or.ganization on Che east to help in Che <br />electi.on of someone to the School Soard from that area. There is, however, <br />strong poli.tical baclcing on the west. Scalze stated that Chis is the Eirst <br /> that people have banded together politically on the east. <br />Mr. Blesener stated that he was for the redzstricting, however, he was <br />not sure that the City should become involved in it. <br />Fahey pointed out that people wi11 see that Falcon Heights and the <br />League of Women Voters have taken positions against the proposal and may <br />wonder why Little Canada has not talcen a position, commented <br />that people may feel that Little Canada does not care. <br />Mr. Fahey staT.ed that the meeting tonight ~oas calLed as a result of <br />the Council's lcnowledge that tt~e Roseville League of Women Voters and <br />the City of Palcon }leights have taken positions against <br />Fahey felt that it coas important to let Li.ttle Canada residents icnow <br />that contrary to these negative attitudes, the Little Canada Coimcil <br />feels that redi.stri.cting would be positive to the Ci.tye <br />T'he City Clerlc pointed out that the itamsey County Aoard is elected by <br />districts. <br />Nazdini stated that she felt thaC City government is good bec2use the <br />Council is here for the peoplee Nardini felt that under redistri.cting, <br />the School Board would be mor.e accessible to the people, <br />Page -2- <br />