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RPSOLUTIONS <br />Ci.tq Counc,il <br />Oct. 9, 19fl5 <br />Cable TV Mr, Don ' appearecl before the Counci.l and i.nformed ciiem that <br />Rate Group id coould lilce a$2,00 rate i.nceease. 7'arnowski stated that the <br />Increase incrcase would eftect those customers with basi.c servi.ce and those <br />cuith basic plus one pay package. <br />Agenda <br />Item No. 8 Mark iyatthews of Group W commentec7 that the rates for those with two <br />paclcages or more w:ill remai.n the same, MatChe~as also r.eported that <br />when Che industrq i.s de-regulat~d, caU1e r.ates will be able to change <br />each month. <br />Mrs. Scalze commented that i.t was her understanding that tlie City would <br />have input into r.ates< i4r. Nlatthews replied that :in llecember of 19f34 <br />t:he Federal Government <leclared that cable companies would be de-regulated <br />in 19£36. <br />Scalze repli.ed that a monopoly is being created< Mr< Tarnowski. pointed <br />out that there is competi.tion in CY~e i.ndustry< <br />Pahey asked W178C the CiCy could do i.f. i.t did not the raCes bein~; <br />charged. Mr. Matthews r.epl.i.ed that the C:ity coulcl terminate the f' <br />if.' the company was in violation o£ the [ranchise, but not i.f. the Ci.ty <br />did not l.~il<e the rates< MaCthews poinCed out that currently Group W's rate <br />are the lowest around. <br />MaCthews commented that the company f.elt that this was a ml~or i.ncrease <br />step versus a large one when the industr.y is de-regulated. <br />Mr. 'Larnowski stated that the recommendati.on oL the Cable TV Commissi.on <br />i.s that the Council take no action on the increase and just let it <br />happen because :tt will anyo~ay. Tarnow,ki stated Chat he does noC care <br />tor t:he 1.ncrease, but i.t is a Lact oL the :i.ndustry. Even at ~9.95, <br />the rate is the cheapest in the Metro area. 'Parnowski. stated Chat <br />Group W has been very easy to deal. as as complaints are concerned> <br />Plr, Matthews invi.ted the Counci.l to tour Group W's f.aci.l.:i.ties, <br />Ms. Nardini. stated that she would lilce to see Council~neeti.ngs televi.sed, <br />Matthews repl.i.ed that they are currently studying mountin~ cameras in <br />C.ity klallse <br />P4r. Iilesener introduced Ch~ f.ollocaing resolution and moved i.ts adoptioi~: <br />L2liSOLUTION N0. 85-10-496 - DBCLARING TAAT TfIE <br />CITY OI' LITTLP CANADA WILL TAKE NO ACTION KE;GARDING <br />7'HG RlQUESTtiD RATE tNCRI?ASE .BY GCtOUP W ON TflE <br />IIASIS OP TAE RECO~IMFVDATION OP THE CIT'Y'S CABLL' <br />TV C0~IMISSION <br />The f:ore~oing resolution was duly seconded by P1s. <br />Ayes (G) Illesener,, Scalze, ]?ahey. <br />Nayes (0). Resolution declared adopted. <br />Thi.s resoluti-on1 ppears in Resoluti.on I3oolc No. 12, Page 518. <br />Page -6- <br />