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MINiPi'ES <br />CiCy Council <br />Oct. 9, 1.985 <br />Little Canada tlre £.art Van ~t3er.kom of: the P~(innesota Department of~ Transportation appeared <br />Road & 35L be[ore the Council, to explain the Li.t:tle Canada Road and 35E proposal <br />Proposal in so far as it will effect the properties along Li[tle Canada ftoad <br />east of Centerville Road, <br />Agenda <br />Item No. 9 Van I3erkom explained tt~at there is currently a drainage problem in the <br />area with a lot of: water coming otf the street< The DNR has sai.d chat <br />Chey will allow no addi.ti.onal water into Lake Gervai.s, and, theretore, <br />curb and gutter and storm sewer cvi.l.l be installed in this area in <br />conjunction ~viCh the br:idge project. <br />Van Berlcom r.eported that the project will include 4 traffic lanes <br />across the br.'tdge and from about 150 feet east of Center.ville Road, <br />and then the street wil.l. taper down. After that point there caill. <br />be two 1.2-Loot traffic lanes and two 10 Eoot shoulders< <br />Van ISerkom stated that the 4(igttway Department has projections <br />thaC show that: a 4-lane street is needecl alon, Li.ttle Canada <br />Road. Berlcom stated that for the amounC of. traff:ic in the ar.ea, <br />the Ili.ghway llepartment ~•rouLd like 52 feet of str.eet 11ong I.ittle Canada <br />Road. llerl<om stated tk~aC the volume of traffic i.s low enough that <br />two-lanes are suffici.ent unti.l such time as four-lanes are require<I, <br />Mr< Pahey asked wher.e the pavernent will be in terms of the existing <br />pavemenC. Van 13erkom point:ed this out on h.Cs diagrarns and sCated thaC <br />in some areas the pavement i.s within where Che exi.sting pavement <br />and in other areas it i.s beyond it< <br />Fahey asked if the pavement would be within the existing right-of-way> <br />Van ~3erkom replied that it was. However, adc3i.tional right-of-way woul.d <br />be needed f.or the sidewalk on the south and the bike path on ~he north. <br />Fahey asked if the sidewal.k was going i.n with State-ai.d funds. The <br />Clerlc replied that: Chis is cor.rect. <br />Ken Wel,tzi.n of. the County reported t.haL sidewalks can be funded ~oith <br />munici.pal State-Aid funds. Hocaever, they cannot be functed with County <br />State-Ai.d funds. The bike path can also be installed with municipal <br />State-Ai.d funds, Wel.tzin stated that the County is inT.erested in the <br />continuaCi.on of their bike path system they have on the other of. <br />the bridge and connecting it into Centervi.Ll.e I2oad. Weltzi.n also <br />poinCed out Chat the City passed a resol.ution baning parking on Little <br />Canada Road in this area, and that is with the County. <br /> aslced i.f the bilce pa[h was i.n addi.ti.on to the f:our lanes. ideltzin <br />replied that ie coas• <br />Pahey commented that there are curr.ently a number of stakes in t:he <br />properties on L:ittle Canada Road. Peihey asked i.f. these stakes conform <br />to the construction easement. <br />Page -7- <br />