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~1I?:IIITf~S <br />City Co~incil <br />Jan. 0, 1~86 <br />Recreation ~"=rs. Scalze re~~orted tY~at ~he R~cr~ation Associat~ion has recoimnenr..ied <br />(Cont.? at its annua1 me~tin~ that Jac'~ Fitzgera1d I>e appointecl to replace <br />~~ir. Pr~.adhomme. It has been the ~ast uolicy of the Council to accept <br />the 2ecreition Associ<ition's recominendation in these a~nointr~rnts. <br />Nlrs. Scalz~ ~ntro~9uced the follo~,iinc! resolution and moved ~its adoption: <br />f;ES~)LUTIOhI PIO. f36-1-21 - AP~OIPlTING ~)ACI< i'TTZGFRI~LD <br />F~S ~SSISTA6lT REC,f~~ATI014 L~IRGCTO~ FOE: T~i~ CITY <br />01' ~ITTLE CP,~I~~A <br />7he 1'orer.oinq resolution ~~~as duly saconcied hy t•1r. Collova. <br />I1,yes (51 Scalze, Coltova, Nardini, f3lesener, rahey. <br />niaYes (~~). <br />Resolution declared adopted. <br />This resolution apr>ears in Resolution '300!< hlo. 13, P~~7e 21. <br />3.2 [3eer h1rs. Scalze introdured the fo1lo~ving resol~rtion and moved its adoption: <br />Permit <br />Recreation RES01_UTIODI n10. Fi6-1-'L2 - APPl20VING 4 3.2 ~rER <br />1lssociation PFRh1I1' F'OR TIi~ ~_ITTI~E Ct~;I1~DA RECREATIOPI ASSOCII1TIOi! <br />SOF7f~1il.L-Ot~I-IC~ TOUR~IF~NiFNT OP~I I.AI<~ UF.EtVk~I°i 01:! <br />Arentll JA~lUAKY 25 t\~D 26, 19Ho I~IELD IN COhIJU~IC7I0P! bJITIi <br />Addit~on 7hIF ST. P~UL !dIP1TER CFIRMIV~I <br />Tli~ foregoi ny resol uti on o~as dul y s~conded by P1r. l>1 esener. <br />nves (`i ) Scal ze, fil esener, Plardi ni , ~ ahny, Co11 ova. <br />f~layes (0). <br />Resolution ci~clared <~tlopted. <br />7his resolution appears in Resolution tloo,< i,lo. 13, Page ?_?.. <br />Park f3udre~C '~?rs. Sca1ze reported that a~ortion of the Capital Outlay Pap°!c 6udget <br />Rol'i-Over Gvas not useci in 1955 and the Parl< Coinrnission has r~quested that it he <br />rol1ed over into 1986 to pay for blacktopuing of trails. <br />F~nen<la <br />Addition P1rs. Scalze intrnciuced the ~Po1lowing resolution anci moved its adontion: <br />RESOLU7I01~! ~10. 56-1-23 - APPROVIni~ T~IE <br />=",OLL-OVFR OF 7HE. C~PIL~L ~UTL.~Y PORTION 0~ <br />TNF ~ 9S5 PAfL'< f3UDGFT TQ 7t~1~ 19H5 [3UDGE7 <br />The fioreqoing reso1ution ~:~as duly seconded by f~r. 31es~ner. <br />Ayes (~)~Sca1ze, I~lesener, Fahey, Collova, ~lardini. <br />Nayes (0). <br />Resolu~tion declared acloptecl. <br />This resolution apnears in Resolution eoo!< No. 13, Pane 23. <br />Pane -12- <br />