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01-22-86 Council Minutes
City Council Meeting Minutes
01-22-86 Council Minutes
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r l t~I! IT': S <br />rj~~r ,r,ouncil <br />Jar~. 2~, 193G <br />~}~r)1: <br />S^rvic~ <br />R^l~ort <br />(Cont.) <br />Plarininc~ <br />roinaii ssi on <br />Aq~nc:a <br />,4dcii ti on <br />~OI.IYIC1~ kJd$ Vt'.1"y t9Y1COL7NltJ@?C~. fl~/ '~'(lQ $~:`,Clcl~ ~~.SS(.'SS!?1FP1C (1°C)'~; $@Y'1/1C9 <br />`_;f:udy. i~-?r. Fah~y s~atPd ~4iat hv ~vas very pleased v~ri~th the g~iidlrice <br />ti~iat ~9r. Voto h1s ni v~n ~;i~e ~i ty ~P.o bri nq i t to 1~rti~ra i t i s today. <br />:"''~i". `7~(-.`S:?i'1^i" <lS~.('.f~ lf" ~~1F'. !~l'l:j/ C011~<~ nE?t ll$ ~)011C~ N'r,ll`.ltltl '171CY'F?dS^(i, <br />The Cl erk ~~oi nted that. the Ci tY ~ s ra~i:~i ng i s RI~P,1 . <br />„tr. ~loto s~t~t~d thaf, h~ vrould. 'look a~(: it, b~~it c?id no4: thin;< ~ha~t the <br />rati na ~; d be i,nnrov:~d. <br />i ir. 1=ahe/ repori:~d t:ha t~he Pl anni n7 Commi ss~ on recently r^qi~f~s~~~d <br />Council considerat~ori o( a salary increase For Plann'inq Conmission <br />ra~rnh~~rs ~s ~•acll E~s recons~cieratioi~ of the Cecreasa in size of i;hc <br />~lanninc; Coru?~ission. <br />~~!r. '=a}~r•y poin~ted o~it that ord~inance provid~s t;~a~t Co~nmission members <br />serve ~~rithout cornn<~nsat'ion. In ~I`~77 or 1~78 t~^ Coi,mcil beq~n aiving <br />Co;nr.~iss~ion ~~;ei~ii~~rs ~10 per me~' to tiEfray costs oi° yas anci i~ii1eac~e, <br />~i115 4Jd5 ilE!~12Y' ltl't°YlCiC4 dS d Sd~dl",~/~ ;JI.ISj: il Y'8119vU}"S001Q11j: Of ^;(I~B(i$°$. <br />P=trs. Tinn~nons point^cI out ~t~iat some~tiries the cornr!?uriication I:~et~~!eF~n ts~e <br />Coianr,il ane t'ri~ ~orrrnission is no~ .n,ooc and suc~gcste~ t;ha~t ~~rhen sorietning <br />i s di sc~.issed ~ no~t~ cou1 d b~ dropped ~to ~:he Coihn?i ssi:~n. <br />?~?r. ~ahny stated 'that he ~~rould ;~~rite ~. note to the Coinnrlssion er.;~lain~inr <br />~he saltiry status. <br />~'7r. `;aviso~~i state~'~ ~4iat, he w~s not av~are that this ~aas not~, a salaried <br />!)OS1~:l0Il. ~)~)VlS9Y1 ~5~:^C~ t:~41y ~f;'il^ ~IUI`.i~)^1" pT (;0!'.!;?11S>10Y1 I?lE,'.III~)81"S \'!15 <br />1"~(!tIC~C~. <br />f1r. Fahey noirit^o ou't f,ha~t t}~e Clerl: has i~oll^cl o~tl~er cornnunit,ies anci <br />Vc1(1Y1c115 i~c^..1C!P11:S h85 S~V°Pl COCrlirii$S10f1 ?".IC:t"~]Bi^S di1C~ ~ d~'l;('.1^Yli1tC, i~~dr)~~8tJ00C~ <br />I~ias 11 ~neeibers, Ros^vi11e has 7 an~t S~~iorevi~a: '~ias l. "fh-~ City ~±ttorney <br />111(~1Cdt^C~ l`.Sld'~ 'Ch^ C1'tl!`$ ~;~'id'C ~l^ V!OP~~s ~for !?l~~l:`;`.1" iliVE? ~) O1" i Gl^~`ll~qvr$. <br />Fa'nr,~/ ~F~li, ih~i; 9 eierr;bers iaas i:no many and h:~ svould. ra~.h~r ecrohasice <br />f;he nuality o~` t:hr~ m~mi~ers on ~the Cor~ra~i,sion as ~~~ell is the~ir at9;endance. <br />~~z.hey also po'in'Ced out that ttie Coe~m~ission rias 1;he sup~ior~t of ttie City <br />Planner as ~,rc~ll as 3uilc!inn Snspecl.or in cennratirin a 1ot of concrrns <br />that n~ed Co he brouciht t!p. <br />~~~Irs. 7imn~ons :~~reed ~hat ~~.~as ~or~ ;_~an~i mei~~2i~ers, but ~Pe1~t ~kiat. some <br />disc,i.ission +,:~i~.`i t.~ie Co~nniission ~~~~rot.(I~~ 'nav~ been apnropriate be~~or~ t'n~, <br />Council cut tYi2 size. A~!rs. Timraons felt that some type oF rappor•t; <br />shoul~; be r.iev;~loped bet4lcen th^ Co~.incil ancf the Conir.iiss~on. <br />i~~r. ~`~lesen<~i° stat^d Ctia~: ~Che y~ri2ra.1 concensus ofi ~the Counci1 ~r~as 'Chat <br />i:i'ir.. ~o~;iraiission t~oul~d +ae better tirith 7;n2.n~aers 9:han 9 and t4~a~t: niore e~~Fort <br />sPioi(I d bc r~~~de i n qett~i rir:~ ~l:l~e ri gh4; i>eopl e on th~~ Comini s~~ o~~. <br />Page -1O- <br />
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