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;'iipdU7F.S <br />~ity Cour~ci'I <br />Jan. 22, 1S;H6 <br />Gorf Datibney i ndi c~~ted ttiat th<~ ~'I anni rin ~ommi ss'i on fel t that the concept <br />De~iel of?ment ~~ias pootl, but thounht that the deve1 op~rient ;~,~as too i ntense on the <br />Proposal l~Arrade S1:reet sid.e. Th~y vaould li!<e to se~~ ber!ninc and landscapinn, <br />(Cont.) <br /> ':)auhn~y described the units t:hr:mselves and rs~porT,ed t.hat tn~re ,rould <br /> be t~rro ~roimd-floor uni~ts and 4 unii:s on the upper flo~r. !?ach buildinc <br />~ <br /> , <br />«ao~a1 d havn six tuck-~ander garares. The uni ts 4~ii 11 be o4•aner-occup~i ec and <br />' <br /> s<ii1 <br />1 he mar!~e1;ed in the $v;0,000 price ra.nge. <br /> Dai.ibney repor~ed that ~f:h~y would 1i!<e the Coi,nci~l ~t:o ac.t on ~'rie <br /> rezoning ofi i.h~ property. Dai.ibney exolained that und~r R-? zoninn, <br /> a 4'UD Concii a,:i onal Use i~ermi ~t ~vi ~I1 be nec^ssary ~to approve tYie prop~sal <br /> and the City 4~i17 have control ~mder tSie PUD. <br /> Daubne~~ s~iqaes~ted that the Coi~ncil consid~r r!heth~r or not the concept <br />~ <br /> ~s qootl ~Por <br />som^thinq other i:han sinnl2 fa!~ii1v housinn in tViis area. <br /> '~aubney report~d tYitzt nas beeri no i nterest frori clevel opFrs for <br /> R-1 developi.ient of ti~is properiy. <br /> 0~1~abne~/ suc~gest;er.i t1ia~; a i;ransitional zoninq fror,i ~i~e apartment on <br /> County Road D to ~ti~P si nq1 e farni'Iy ~n ~thc soiAtn ~~dou'I d be ar~pro4~ri ate. <br /> Daubney estirna~ted ~t'ne .r,~st o~P the road at ~7_t)0 ~~er ~foot. <br /> ~~auhney also r~por~ted ~tha~t tf~ie P1anner indica~Ed that ~here ~=ias eieri~; <br /> to consi der sor;~^ ~type oi` ronsl:ructi on otfier than si nql e-far:ii 1 y on thi s <br />~ <br /> nroperty. ~aubn~ ~,~ al so reported ~hat ~~1r. Goff woul d <br />1 i:<e i;o strE~,~s tnat <br /> these un~its are not rental uniits, 1'~ut ~~oi.ilci be os~ner-orcuni~d. <br />t1r. Pat Goff ~f 127° L. Coun~y {7o~aci C in 1~lapleG~rood, appearetl be~ore <br />the Counc~l. Goff reported that he has a similar dev~lopnient <br />in Vac!nais Heights on E3~lland l~venue. Goff reported that the units <br />are usi.ially pursliased and occupied by yoiinqer career people or th~ <br />last-time buyer. ~,off feli, thai: he ;~ad a qoo<' produc~ ~nd z nood <br />t>riCe ranye, ~~ ~ <br />The i~uildinas sa~oul~! have <~luraiiniuri exteriors aaitn balconies, wood <br />~,tirido+~;~s, 2 by f> ~ialls and snme bric!< on the exterior. The c~~binets <br />and ~r~im ~,iould he oak. <br />Goif reported that; over 30% of the tiousel~olds in the countr,y ~re <br />s~inn1e n~rson hnus~noldsand that r~an_y people va~nt t~ o±~rn rather than <br />r~rrt. !~~;yers a1 so prefer the srnall er bui 1 d~i nq to a 1 arqe con~!omi ni ur.3 <br />ut!ilciinq. - <br />P?r. Ron Schmidt: r^pori;ed tha~t he ~.~as oppos~ad to the density proposec' <br />and t;he imc~act thP development vtoi,ild have on ~iis uronerty values. <br />Schi>~~idt s~tated that he bouriY~t nis uropE~~r~y !:na~rinr CPiat tlie *~ooshe <br />propertyy s,ias R-1 , <br />Page -3- <br />