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01-22-86 Council Minutes
City Council Meeting Minutes
01-22-86 Council Minutes
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8/3/2009 2:22:37 PM
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7/31/2009 2:51:02 PM
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`^T~!UT~c <br />C~ty Coi.n,c;l <br />Jan> ,'), 1^£,6 <br />('~orf <br />i)ev<'1 r~plnent <br />Pronosal <br />!Cont.) <br />r~PS. C?P.c~~dtl OP /~t"CdC~F. .ritl"~@'~ 1"E?pOPf,PCI f:~ldt S~lp ?q~P75 COYICP}"t1QCl df)Ol,lt <br />t'.-7e traff'ic this Gevelo;ament dvould gen~raf,e on ,~rcade Street. <br />S"~~h;~y rep~l i~c that th~ devel op~~r do~s not feel t'~p c!evel opmen~C woul d <br />r~n2rate anv more traffir than i~F the pron~rty rrer~ developed ~~ith <br />sinc;le family lirnnes. <br />Dec~nan s~as al so r_oncerned tl~iat she !voul d t>e ~I ooki ng a.t t'.ne si d,~s of <br />thes~ buildinqS from h^r ~~icture i~~ineipUr. P~is. P{arc{ini Cominentecf tPiaY. <br />the (;ounc~il %ias not yet addrF~ss~d 1ai~dscaning or berriing. <br />'~r. Oscar^ n~P 30~9 A,rr,ade S1:r2et aras conr~rn~cl 1!~out f'.he traf~F~ic, <br />trie ac!ditional children 9n ~CYie neicr;~horhood urith n<~ provision for a <br />par~< or p1a~/riround. <br />'~~r. ~31es~arter stated tf~iat this ~~~as one ~~f~ ~t'rie coricerns of the Plannina <br />Comm~ission as ~,<re11. ~ <br />.'r. i° lhey poi nt:ed out 1;na~t th~ Par!c Conm~i ssi an i s r?comn~encli na th~ i the <br />~fldil~7l,1~11" D1'3f,C'. O1` Ul"Op(?}^Cy dS ~r72~~ c1S $h(:' EJY'0OE'.Y'1;y lIY1C1~P $f1P ¢04+1°1" <br />1 i nes k>n c!ecli eatecf to the Ci ty for a ne~i ~z~iborhood pari<, tot 1 nt, or <br />~v~l l<i nn easrrnent. ~a'~ey sta~:ec1 tha t the even~~ual pl an i s to nbt;a'i ri <br />al'I the groperty uncier tha P~ISP eas.~rnerits for s<!a'I,<inc~ or nature i,rail,s. <br />i~-1r. Lane ~~~as concerried thaf, the tlevel op;nent 4!oial d 1 oorer hi s pr~p~r+y <br />values. ~ane sta~te~! that n~ pref~rrad F80,000 single fami1y homes <br />a,r,ross from hira ~than these SEi0,000 condaniniurn units. I_ane also <br />pointwd out ~tha1: there hav~ r~c2ntly been sinnle ~faciilv hoine, solcl <br />i n tlie area ~~v~i f;n no uro!>'I em <ind, thnrefbre, cii d not feel tii~i. ~;he <br />proper~ty coulc( ne~t 4>^ devcloped as s~ing'I:~ ~Ftlmi'ly. <br />P~r. I..ane stat~d 1:hat if ~tiis rezoninq is approved, he veoulrt 1i'~c2 Yiis <br />~~~ro acres of ~~roperty rezoned as 4~e11. <br />1~1r. Schr~iidt of 31Q7 ,~rcade stated that he ~~i~u conc2rned ahoui; the <br />reznninn and as'r,ncJ 9iov~ lonq the property nas Y~een R-1. TPi~ C1er?< <br />rep~ i ed ~ tha c. ivhen ~r_he fi rs~C zoni ng mao vias cfra~,rn i n 19fi1 , the pronert.y <br />rras R-1. <br />~~rs. ~chrs~icit !uas conecrnecl the ~raf~Pic as vtcll as no ~~rovision <br />for ~the chi 1~iren i;ha.~t uroi~l d h~ 'I i vi nr ~i n f,hes^ cendos. Scnn~ii d~t fel t <br />that sinc!~e fan?i1v cou'1d b~ developed on ~h~ property ant' point~d oi.rt <br />t4iat 1lrcade Str~et ex'i sis i n the sa;n<: envi ronment. <br />Schmidt as:<<,~d aaha~ ~,•iill 'napp~n if the un~ts c,io not se~l~l. ~1r. F'al~ev <br />r~~lie<l that it is 1he ini:ention of t~~F ciev~loper ~o sell these uni9;s <br />~s o4~!ner-occup~ied. ~!os•aev~r, the ~~~~ncil cannot legal1y reouire ~t%~is <br />a.nd i f ~.hc ~.mi t;s do not sel ~I i ~ i s ~ossi bl e~ ti~at ~he c~FVel oper .~roul rf <br />rent the?r. <br />'"rs. Schr.ri dt ~~oi nt2c! out that tfrere are enou~Yi r~u1 t;~i pl e d~.~rel l i ngs i n <br />t;h~ City. Fahey oointed out ~tnat ?/3rd's of ~he City's r.~ult;~ip~le un9~s <br />are o~.vner-occupiecs, <br />pane -~;- <br />
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