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~'lI^!UT~S <br />City Council <br />Feb. 2Ei, 1986 <br />Judd i1r. Fahey introduced the follawinc! resolution ancfrnoved its adoption: <br />Property <br />pivision R~SOLU7IOM N0. ff~-2-73 - ~E6IYING Twl!~ JUDD <br />(~pn~, ) PR~PERTY DINISIOPI OP~! TI1E 43ASIS Tl~IAT GRA~lTS\G <br />TH~ DIVISION ~lOUI.D CRE~ITF 71~IF POTFPITIFlL f=OR <br />A U,~ltIA~1C~ It.F.QUES7 ,AND IN VTfi4d OF THE POTEP~ITTFlL <br />FOR TI~IE VACATIOT! OF Jl~CKSOPJ STRF.FT <br />The fore~oin~ reso1ution ~vas duly seconded b.y i~rs. Scalze. <br />l~y~s (yl ~'ahey, Sc~lze, Pdardin~i, iollova, E~1~sener. <br />~lays (J). <br />Resolution dec1ared ~dopted. <br />This resolution appears in Rasolution ~300!< ~lo. 13, Page 7~4. <br />°~+ls. P;ardin9 as!<ec( if there adas a period of tir:ie bF~fore ~~r. Jud.d coi.ild <br />reappl y for a property c i vi si on. The C1 erI< repl i rd 1;hat tiiere s•eas <br />not. <br />r~rs. Scalze introduc~d tfie follo~ving r~solution and rnoved its a<!option: <br />BFSOLUTIOM t~10. 36-2-74 - CLOSI~16 7N~ PURI_TC <br />li[IIRING Ot~! 1'?~IC JUD[! PROPFRTY DIVISI0~1 AND <br />V,9RIAh!rf: R~QUt:ST <br />The ~Forec~oi ng resol uti on ~raas dia~l y seconded ~y ~?r. Col l ova. <br />1\yes (~) Sr.alze, Col1ova, Plardin~, 'ilesener, Fahey. <br />i~1dyS {~~. <br />Resolution decl~~red adoptad. <br />7his resolution appears in Resolution 'iooi< No. 13, ~age 7!i. <br />P~Is. V~rdini introduced the ~fo1lo~ving resolution ancl moved its adoption: <br />RESOLUTIOPI 1~IQ. 3fi-~-75 - D::!~YTP.1G TFfE JUDD <br />V(~RTA~ICE REQUGST ~S CI1'Y CODF DOFS ~OT <br />ALLObI THr COU~~ICT)_ TNE 11~3TLI7Y TQ 6~;AtdT A <br />VARIANCE 4~lbl~~! 'iHGRF IS NO hIA.P.DSNI4' ~STASLISflLp <br />The foregoing r~solution was duly second:~d by Mrs. Scalze. <br />tlyes (>) Narcfini, Scalzc, Fahe,y, '3lesener, Co1lova. <br />idays (Q). <br />Resolution dec:lared adopted. <br />This resolution apnears in Resoliition Soo!< "do. 13, Page 76. <br />Plr. Fah~y si~ggested that if ~"r. Judd petition for the vacation, he <br />k~ould call a public hFai°inc, Judcl asi<~d if there Eaould ~e any <br />further costs to him to uetition for the v~cation. t~a'ney replied <br />that there ~-iou1 c( not. <br />`,ag° -~- <br /> <br />