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r~t~,~uTrs <br />CiCy Co~ancil <br />~en. 27, i~~c, <br />Judd Council discussed 4vhether Jackson Street sho~a1d bc va.cated from <br />Property Old County Road C to ~1us~ralian or to Blusdood. It tivas ciecided <br />Division that Jackson should be vacatec.l to the southern boundary of f;lu~;aootl <br />(ContJ as to vacate ~ny further may cai.ise a prob1~in ~siitYi landlock~inc, of <br />propert:.y anci s~iith sno~~~ storane. <br />'irs. Scalze introducer! tYie follo~iing resolution and moved its acioption: <br />RrSOLUTION PdO. 8G-2-76 - DIftECTT"~!G TIIE CITY <br />SLFRI< TO SCNrbULE A P 13LIC HcGtRS1~IG FOR NIARCH <br />'L6 OPd ThIE VACA7I0~! OF J~CKSON STRF.ET FRO"1 <br />l3L.U4lODD TO OLD COUPITY ROFl~ C SUf3JrC7 TO NIS <br />P,FrEIVIn!G l~A PFTITIOhI FROP•1 P~iR. JUO~ REQUESTI~~G <br />7HIS VFlCF~TIOM <br />The forecoing resolution ~~ias di.~ly seconc~ed hy iis. ~'lardini. <br />~'lyes (5) Sc.alze, ~lardini, Fahey, Collova, Blesener. <br />Piays (0). <br />R~soliation declared a~Jopted. <br />7his resoliition appears in ~?esol!.ition f3ook No. 13, Pag^ 77. <br />Flardees ~1r. Fahey opened the public hearine on the request of Nelson Food <br />Gnterprises [)/`3/A flardees for a conditiona1 use ~~err,iit for a <br />Flc~encla convenience food re>taurant. !'roposed location is f.~ie corner of <br />Item Ido. 5 P~i nnesota Avenue anc( ~?i ce Street. <br />~ahey pointetl ouC that this matter 4aas tabled at th~ Plannincl <br />Commission level as the developer s~ras not at the me^tinc! due to <br />a snow storm. <br />Fahe_y suggestecl tnat th~ C,oi.mcil '.nold th~ riablic hearinn and tabla <br />action on the request until it has been revievr~c! by the °lanning <br />Commission. <br />f~rs. Scalze pointed out that the Planner and ttie Fngineer are <br />r^coromending access to tne site be from i~innesota an<,'. not Rice <br />Str^et. <br />"1i:ce Diamond, renresentine~ \elson Food Enterprises, poin'ted out <br />that there is an existing curb cut on ftic.e Street that they are <br />pro~osincl to i~tilize. <br />Fahey nointe<t out that ~tice ~tre^t is a minor arterial and access <br />should b2 from ~iinn~so~a. <br />The Planner pointe~i out t.hat this is not a Code reni.iirement, hut <br />is a po7icy of the ~ity. <br />Scalze pointed out that a:ithin a three-bloci: area, th~re is only <br />one business alonn Rice Street in Rosevilr that has access directly <br />on Rice Stre~t. <br />Paae -n- <br />