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rat r;i.~~r,'s <br />City Coun.r.i1 <br />^,pril f3, 1qf,6 <br />F!r. Fu~'~~ey as'<e~l ~th~* Council's ~°eelinn ~rith renard to bonrJin~ fqr <br />'r,~lP 5}y~nE'~; 1"P.S'f:01"dl`:1nYl 171"n:!^Cl`.$ rlil(~ ('~(?'L~;lY1Ci ~f1C? S'CY'~(?~;$ Y'(?t)l'IY'r.iil, <br />rai:her than try~ing to biidqe~t for these ~r.~prover~ents an~ na~ttinn <br />~th~ ,treets rc~pa~ir^d over the next several vears. <br />G1anzer f.h~~.t ;,rhUn t;he City Council ~ie~tereiin~s th^ <br />assessrient policv t'or sCreet r^stor,tion it. consid~r assessinn <br />,treets equa7ly. That is, si:reets ~lor,at.e~i on ~?oor soils vri11 <br />r^cuire inorc, t>~se Chr1r; t'-iose in sanrsy are~s. !llanzer ~u~;c~estec+ <br />t,~ll~l' !J1"0!l^Y"I'V pl,lilf.~i"S 5° c~S$t'Sc?(~ f"OY' 't.}1('. SiiiP,(~ i:t~lOl1Y1~5 Olr 1'ld't°i"11~5~ <br />clY1C~ 811Y E`X~:Pc'. :;1i1`L'2.}"11~ COS{;°, ~)f? ~I,IL Ofl (l@11-,^.Y't?7 tftXE?S ~fl@ ~f1~ilYlE.`9~ <br />1"('OOP~;^l~ (;'id'f ~;:+115 15 l~011('. t0 SOCI^ ^X1;?Ylt. 1!"i S!.'l'~(,'1" dIll~ tJd~;f?Y' <br />~ir~nrovern~n~ts i n 9:'~t~~k a. person 1 i~!~i nq on an 1`,-~i n~~i 1 i r~e i s on~l y <br />~iss~sseci for a standarc!-siz~ l~ine. <br />`1N. ~i~~l~Sf?YlF?}" COc.I~"1F?YI~E'.(~ l`.%ldh, lf 1.~18 i,l'IJ/ f~01'.S Y1Q1; dSS^SS '~pl^ i;~l:? <br />COS{; Of El i1f?~Ft F"0~(i~ d~ ~$~18 '~JNOaE?1"i_'y OWtlf:}^S ~Ill 1;41~? ~,li:y 't7~i~~ hE <br />request:ing ne~ri roads. <br />"lard~ini ~~ointed o~.~t t4~iat: t'nnre are sor:Ifi <,tre~ts 1:`iai: i.he City r!ay <br />hF~v~ to order tt~r= recons'truction, even t~inu~h proper~v as~,ners may <br />be oC)l~psPC~ "t0 i t. <br />'~lard~in~i noint^d o~i1; ~Cha~t; it i; also a qood ti~rin ic~r honc!'incT and <br />if ths~ :ity t>on~!s for tans^ icn~r{>ve~~ents~ "li. C?,n qr~~ .~ ni~;itier oP <br />s r~>na i r°c!. <br />The !;1~ri< oo~in~ed n~.~t tha~~ Savane Lar?e 'nas 13 lots ahut.~f;~ina it: and <br />l'F ~hF? ~:11:V 4.1(?t"P ~:0 i~.ISS@$S "~.ilf? COS't 0'F 1"'>d(~ Y'Q[,Ot)S$1"UC'~:10;'1 7i)(li,~ 'I;.Plil~f; <br />~~rni~l r! r?ean a`~l (~,OOQ a;s~ss»ent rrar l ot. T~i~ !;l er'r, di d no~t feel <br />V hat ~the Ci ~y coiil ~' pro~/e the,t these 'i ots ~crere he~ne9'i 9;ed :P,1 t1,000 <br />by t!~ie reco~~st.riir,t~ori, <br />f+~r. i31 esener fi~l t~that i f~th^ cnst ~~ras ~~ut ori ~~enera1 ~tax~s, t~ie <br />~;~ity ~,~nuld 'nave a hard tiin~ provir~c~ tnat it ;~~nef'~iteri t'ne o~ttier <br />pro~~er~ties ~in the Cit;~ hy ~tne ~i4~inr~~ver;~^nt. <br />FaPiey fe11: Y.Yiai: tnca Coi.iricil s'nould ~~rait and se~ ~,~tia~: n~:l?er r.~ii;ies <br />are doi rn. f~ ai~~y al so po'i rrted o~at t1~~1t f:~~ ~ounty ~~~ri 11 probah"I y <br />~~er,in assessinp ~For improvemr~nts on "oimty roads. <br />~i~dYIZC:Y' Sl1CJCrz?Sj;C'(~ t.ilaf: lf S'~;CrE?~L' 1^C?St;OY'il"~.lOtl 1S C~OtI(? 071 $'f;flt;:? A1C~ <br />roacis, th~ Ci~ty s~io!+ld st~i11 assess a por9:~ion of ~'ne cos't apainst <br />tl~ie nroF:i~rCV o!rrners an~t recover sosaP of tiie State llic! o~onies to <br />`i~:~ l n de i ray costs i n ol.her ar^as. <br />fra'~iey ac~ree~ tha~. ~r,hai;ever oolir~i is sFat ~.~ou1<l ha~i2 ~to apply to <br />evcryorre. <br />Th~ ~:ncrineer repor~t~d tha~: tPi~ County assessed. the prnpert:ies alonc; <br />~,OIII1f;V [)Oilli ~,: fnr P8C(`.il'~', lrnr)i"0\/nl'1^i11:5 OYl 1~'~;lt Y"Od(~ ~'Ot" <ll`, ~E?dS~ J(~`.'.? <br />of the i~'~proveralent. ~ <br />pZqp ' 2_ <br />