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07-02-86 Council Minutes
City Council Meeting Minutes
07-02-86 Council Minutes
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~~iz~wr~ s <br />e;ty counc~il <br />July ~, 1~?FDG <br />Pir. Collova asked tYie type ofi ~urbing tl~at ~,,~~s beinn proposed. <br />The rnc~ineer replied th~at concrnte roil-over curbing is being <br />~roposed except on Dernont from Rice Stree± to 35E a~~here f3-6 <br />ciarbing is ;~ro~osed. ~;-6 curl~ing is r,r,q~iired on a State-l1id. roa<i. <br />f1•r. John Dufour of Carla Lane asked s~rhen tne ass~ssments ~;rould be <br />madn. <br />Tl~e Engineer reported that assessments ti~~ould not be leviec! for about <br />1,year, at 4~hicn f;ime th~ pro7erty osmer hi<I 30 clays to pa,y the <br />assessrnent, othcr~,iisc~ it was levied on property taxes and paid <br />for over a 10 year period. The interest ratc would be 2 n~ints <br />above s•~hat~ver the bonds sol cf for. <br />P~r. Fahey pointed ou~ that the climate is a cood one for selling <br />bonds. <br />Jim Villeaux asked if commercial propert_y M+ould be assessed differently <br />than residential. <br />The City Cler'r, reportec! 'that it is his recorirnendation that commercial <br />and resicfential be assessed at the same rate and pointad out that <br />h~SA funds would be picking up trie oversizing r:osts on D~mont:. <br />~ mernbar _of the audi ence poi rrt~d out that i t i s Noggsi~r2atti that <br />is causing a lot of trar"fic rroblerns on Demont and suggested that. <br />they be assessed a higher rate. <br />Fahey poin~ted out thaC the i~SA funds the Ci~;y ~is get~t~ng ~For <br />Dernont svill be spread out over a11 tr~e pro;ier,ts aiid ti,~ill benefit <br />all the prop~rty o~r~ners alony the o~oposed improveMents, Fahey <br />po9nted out ~i~at floggsbreath could i7i~ke tYie argument that this <br />r,~oney should noi. be shared amoncf the various projects. <br />Imp. :10. The next in~provenient for consideration ~~ras Improveinen~ tdo. 85-3, <br />86-3 Demont Avenue from Savage Lane to 'ficilenemy, t~y street anci curb <br />and gutter. Estir.iated assFSSn2enC ~siould be $25.74 per ~front foot <br />for street and v10,07 per fronfi foot for cur~ and gutter. <br />tloward Steele stated tiiat tie ~•ias not in favor of the improvement <br />and did not 4vant to bc assc~ssed for it. <br />Dan Car~nanaro as,<ed if the improvement would get rid of th~ la:<e <br />tt~at i s usually i n front of hi s hoine. <br />The En9ineer replied that it viould <br />Roger Phillips as'~ed if the curb and gutter woulc( elir~inate the <br />cu1 vert on P~ici~leneiiiy and fyeinont, <br />Paqe -3- <br />
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