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i~!.I?Il1TcS <br />City i.ouncil <br />,]uly ?, 19f36 <br />The ~nc!ineer replied that it vrould not. <br />Ptiillips was concern~d about ~;rater draining fro;n the area oF St. <br />Jo}in's to behin~i his property through this culvert. <br />The sinrineer stated that he FJOllld. 100k at the situation. <br />i~r. Carl Fiel geson as!<ed i P after the storm se.~r~r i s i nstal l ed, <br />i f i t v~oul d be functi onal ~irnmedi ately. <br />7he Fngineer renli~d. that it v~ni.ild. <br />There was no one el se present vri s'ni ng t:o comm~nt on Irnn. Plo. t3o-3. <br />i<1s. Plardi ni i ntroduced the fol l oa~i ng resol uti on ~ncl rioved i ts ad.opti on: <br />R!:SOLUTI~~I PIO. ~3E-7-2£39 - ri_OSIidG, TI~IE <br />PU6LtC HEARThI~ ODI Ir,~un~~j(~14FD!7 D10. ~G-3 <br />Tt~e foregoing resolution was duly seconded b,y f~irs. Scalze. <br />Ayes ;5) P!~rdini, Sr.alze, Collova, 61^sener, ~a'.~ey. <br />Piays (0). <br />Resolutionddec.lared adogteci. <br />This reso1ution apuears in RPSO1ution 1300!< i~lo. 15> ?age 292• <br />I!np. hfo. TI~e nex~t improver:ient c!iscuss~d v~as Tmprc~vement Plo. '36-4-, the <br />~36-~! improv~ment oF Sa~iaqe Lane from Rose Place to the north enci by <br />street, curb and qutter. Flssess~nents for ~his improvernent ~{~~~,ilcl <br />be ~a75.7~4 ner front foot for street and r10.07 per front foot <br />for curb and yu'tter. <br />f~ir. ~arl Fie1qeson stated that he svas in favor of the improvetnent; <br />if the turn-around at tfie rnd of thF str2et ~rould bc~ wi<lened. <br />Trie Engineer rep19ec1 that i~t a~oi.i1d. <br />7here vaas no one else present ~dishing to comment. <br />t~ir. 3lesener introduced the folla~iinn resolution and r,iovec.! its aciaht.ion: <br />RCSO~U7T0~~ N0. f35-7-240 - CI_OSI~IG TNE <br />PUBLIr iI~A2I~I[; Ohl IF9~ROVEP~9l:t~T N0. 36-4 <br />The foregoi nr~ reso1 ut~ on a,tas duly second~d by P~is. ~lardi ni . <br />!lyes (>) `llrsener, i,lardini, Collova, Fah~y, Scalze. <br />Nays (0). <br />Resolution declared arJoptecl. <br />Th~is resolut~ion appears in P,esolution +.3rio,< ~do. 15, Paye 293. <br />naqe -4- <br />