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07-02-86 Council Minutes
City Council Meeting Minutes
07-02-86 Council Minutes
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~1IMUT~=S <br />City Council <br />J~aly 2, 19~36 <br />Irop. blo. The next irnprovement t~as Spr~ice Street fror.~ County Road C to the <br />36-5 sout'n end by si;reet, curb and gutter. Cost o~f th~ improvem~nt <br />is esti~~ia2ed at $?_5.74 per front foot for street and ~;1~.07 oer <br />front ~foot for curb and gu~~er. <br />Douc~ Day of Spruca Stree~t asl<ed ~i f the street a~oul c.i be rai sed. <br />7he~ 6ngi neer re~~l i ed that i t~Ni 11 probably t~e 1 o~~aered. <br />Day aske~3 i f a r,ul -de-sac ~raas pl ann~d for tne sout'n en~i of tne <br />strcet. <br />TY~e Enhi neer repl i ec! i:na t a cul -cle-sac i s pt anried and the Ci t/ v~i 11 <br />try to ohta~n 1:he necF~rssary 2asement:~Por it. <br />Day r~ported that there is a problem vrit'n people turninq around <br />4n his drive~~iay presently. Da~ a1so ~slec± if h~ urouid be <br />assessed ~For th~ fi.ill fron~taqE of his proper~ty, tihich is 150 ~Peet, <br />a.riri poi n ted ou t that tti^re i s only 110 feet oP pavement i n front <br />of Ii•is propert.y. <br />The Enyineer replied that he ~~oulc! 5e assessed the fu11 frontage <br />of his property. The Engineer also point;ed out tYi~t the cul-de-sac <br />woul d be n1 acetl so t~at i t woul d havp the 1 east irnpac~ c~n the <br />propcrl;ies on the southern end of the street. <br />~ay st:ated that rie s~~as in favor of ttie roac! im~rovemen~; as ~raell <br />as tfie storm sEV~er ir:iprove~a~nt. Day repor~ed. that another neight~or <br />~~as in favor of all t'ne iinprovements anri t'nat i:~io neighbors ~a~ere <br />in favor, exrept for the curb and. gutter improvement. <br />?ir. Co11ovG1 introduced the folloi!inq r^solution ancl n?oved its adontion: <br />l"cSOlUTIOt~J [~f0. 86-7-231 - CLOSI?!G Tli~ <br />PUBLIC iiE11RTNG 0~1 Ii~1PROV~PatEriT N0. £3r~-5 <br />The fore~toinc; resolution was duly secontle~i by P~s. Narctini. <br />tiyes (5) Collova, Plardini, f3les~ner, Scalze, Fahey. <br />I~lzys (0). <br />!?esol uti on ra~cl ared adop~ted. <br />Tni s resol uti on aope~rs 7 n Resol ut~ on E3o~>?~ i~o, ~~, page 7_94~. <br />~4r. >lesener reportPd that it is the pol~cy of' the City to put 9n <br />curb ancl gut:t2r on a11 nava streets. ~~lesener pointed out that <br />curb anct ~7ut~;er help direct drainag~ a~ater an<t prevent roads from <br />brea;<inc up a1ong the edges. ~1nsener nointed out that it is <br />good long-ra.~~ye planning to put in rurb a.nd gutter ~:ihen streets <br />are 1~einc~ rebuilt. <br />P-1r. Fahey agreed. <br />Page -5- <br />
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