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r~Ih~UTC:S <br />Ci t:y Counci 1 <br />July 2, 15`8t5 <br />Zay Buc!<ho1tz, resident ~f l.a!<e Street, c;uest9oned tYie need ~for <br />storrn se~der s~iork i n the area. Ruckhnl tz poi nted out t9iat a l 1 the <br />v~ater in the area ends up in the bacl: of his nroperty, f3uckholtz <br />fett that soinettiing should be to urevent storm e~rater on his <br />propert,y and indicateci that ha ~~ras opposed to the 4mprovements. <br />I)ennis Fitzsirnmons of I_akeshore ,Avenue stateci tYiat he ~tras onposed <br />to the improve~~ent as there i s chl ori natacl ~,rater Pl o~vi nn do~,m tn~ <br />stree~t from someone's o001. Fitzsimmons f~1t that un9:i1 this n~as <br />prevented, the street should not be overlav^d as the chlorine will <br />continue to darna~e che strnet. <br />Yunl<er questionEd the need fbr curb ancl Gutter. <br />7he ~ngineer replied thit c~irb ~nd gi.itter a!i11 protec~t the ed~ies <br />of tha street ~i'~pin beiriq broken down and aiso poirite<( oiat i:hat it <br />is the policv of the City ~o rer,uire curo and yuttnr on a11 neG~ <br />streets. <br />'Yiiere ~-aas no one else froni the auciience ~•iishinq to be heartl, <br />!°1rs. Scal ze i ntroduced t:he fol 1 a~~i ng reso'I uti on and moved i ts ado~ti on: <br />2ESOLUTIOPI id0. `36-7-29~ - CLOSIidG TIIF <br />PUP~,IC H~P,P,INfS Qh! IPIPROVEh~I~~.iT NOS. <br />3F-b fU~D 85-9 <br />The foregoing resolution was duly seconded b,y P~95. Piardini. <br />~yes !51 Scalze, ~lardini, Collova, Fahey, 3lesener. <br />ilays ;0), <br />1Zesolution declared adonted, <br />Th~s resolution apoears in Resolution fSOO!: P!o. 15, Paqe 295, <br />Imn. ~do. The next hearing uias on Impro~iernent ilo. 6f>-7, Dernont llvenue from <br />85-7 ~~ice Street to 35F b,y street, curb and qutt~r. ~stimat:ed cost <br />is ~2.5.74 ner front foo1; fior street ancl $10.07 per fron9: foot <br />for curb ancl ~utt;er. <br />~zihE>y explained that ')emont is a County street that is beinc~ <br />turned over to the City. Fahey reportec{ that sihen it is the <br />feelinq of Ltie County that a street n~ lonqer serves a County-a•~ide <br />purpose, theq have the authority to tt.~rn tiie stre2t over to the <br />city. Fahe,y reported that the City is desic!nating Demont as <br />a State-Aid S~treet and 1;h~ City will be usin~ S~tate A,id funds <br />on this street to haln defray the cost of the irnproveinents. <br />Harry Ryde11, 122 t~emont, stated <br />gutter and also Felt t'nat Demont <br />;~as aciequate. <br />tnat he ~.~as ~gainst the r.urb anc( <br />from the railroacl traclcs to 35~ <br />paqe _7- <br />