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r.r;ui :s <br />C~itY C~>uncil <br />Jiily 9, 1~>~5:~ <br />~~~%il"[if~:?~S 'ill0 ~`01"2001f1Q Y'@SO~tI'C10Y1 t(•,^.,S CiU~~/ S('COYi(~~(~ F)~/ `,'ic. ~`IdY'CilYll. <br />~~0~(l~t.. ~ 1~V°$ (~ ~ ~?Ci3.~ 7_°. <br />i`~!l~c (.ij !iO~~pVd~ Fd{lf?)/~ 'i~^$f,`i7^f . <br />1bst~ins (1) ~~larrin'i. <br />N.eso1~it:ion ueni2<;. <br />T;ii s resol ~it~i on a~~;~~~ars i n?eso1 ~af,i on ~300!< '~lo. 15, ?ac~n 31 %. <br />"~rs, Scalze ;?o'in^;ec~ ou1: i'.h~t i;h° r,ur~'~ c~ri 1;haC ~U~as nratit::~c ~:o <br />t~.?dCT)Otll~Ci~$ `rldS :~;P0Y1(r 'tlY1C~ dilOfi;~lE'.Y' i.1CC°SS OYl'~0 ~:lC? r~'E.Y'?!?'t lil <br />t'rii s area ~~i 11 not uior!~. Sca.'I ze r~oi t~ c-~d nu~~. tna~': the probl er~s <br />511~:}l ~":dC:)Otli37C1~S Yl"<1V8 CO1fIG` U?1 ~il~Il)/ j:ll'1P.S O~/cY' 'C~iF. y)ci5~~. VE'.i3i"S. <br />rt1~r1C?% G13~.<~Y^E??~ '('.~'l~i, ~~Y'(lE>~f'.Pli ~If, S~Ii~.Ct)O~l~t.~Ci~5 ~~18YP. COOE? 117 <br />r~iari,y t.'ir~es. I=ahey s~.?~t2ci t'na1: nc~ 4~as no'f: in ~f~av~~r or c~iv~in; <br />~'a.rd<~e's ft.ill a.ccess, bi.ii'. f~lt t'iat ~th~~ ric!i~it turn in an~i put <br />accf~ss ~~~o~e1d ~104~! -~~iT,4~ th~ ~I;raffic and nn~; r_ausF~ ~~~robl:~n. <br />Scal~e nointeri out the..t ~~irn~r I!inn ~ioes not ~tic,e Str!,~t <br />and that ~t.~r~lffic sit:ia~.ition ;ac>r:s. ~ <br />Ii7C58Y1F?I" ~f?~i; {:{lll`, i,{'IE'. ~~~~ "~00'`t'. Y'Od[f (?,dSPr~,l8i11:. S~1011~~f1 ~)@ P:'.C~llll"(?C; <br />~~0 f)f? 'IYISt;)~~F'(~. ?+Nl~?l (E?21`ib?Cf p^r:CSSi)Y'1/ J~~ ~.'1C ~l ~`/. {i~85°YI!:`.1" <br />s~;ated ~tha~: '~iE~ di ~i no~t ~;+~an~t 'co 1 i;~ii't t4ie dev,~l omm~nt of tf~ie <br />~i;h^r parcels, <br />F~~~~2y anre~d. ~ah~~y point.FCi o~at. ~;~~t: 'i~f the acc~ss aias ~in <br />nost, jfi r;ric?ht: ~e i.insiai~abl~~ for ~ht~ o~'ri~~r parCels. <br />Co1lova aske~? 4f t.he :,9t~.y shoul~' be lool<ing for additior~i~~l <br />ri r,'~t-of-s~a,y ~o +:~ri r?;rr~ f~'ri r;neso'r.a. <br />Tho Planner ~inclicat^d thai~. tiier^ ~s present~ly 56 ~f^et of ri~h~t.- <br />Of-498y dil~ t:illS ~i'Ol1~Ci PJ<-? B.Ci^nUd~E'. 7~~ fi'I[lI1.P.S0~L~ !di1S 4'll(~AilQf~ t0 <br /><i ~ r~~~t. <br />;~~1~(1^V SIIC!C!:.~$'tf.(~ '~;~Il'l`. ~,~1.' '''Yl~~'lYl('.8N illl({ I~~dllI1P.Y' f"~'V'In~pl t}i° 1'i1f1Yl?SOri). <br />A~~enue situat:io~n. <br />~'~~AY'C~lYll $~~r3'r£~!(? 't~iclt: S~IE'. i1~(i d llPOf)~PfA ~:I1'~',i1 ~?l~ !lY'OXlllilf:,~/ 0"~ ~i~'lf`. <br />f:a~naccess~sfo'`'i'nric~sol;G1 a.nd rrlt Cha~ the nori;hern arcess should <br />be a~ t?~i<,~ norf;hern ~,~qe of ti~e oropert.v. ^larrtin~i a1so ind'icai~t! <br />t'na± s~c~ Fel~ 9;hat three parc2ls froro ~`h~is nrons~rty ~ras ~teo ~~~~iacti. <br />Hasek po in~t^d ou~t i;ha'c i;l~i~ elsei,~nn2 ~is only ;~roposeel as sho~m <br />e+.nrl ~4ia't ,~;Nien the prOr~criy i s s!.xod.i vi r!~~~+ i ri tiie fu~ ure~, the <br />^1SP,?il~ Yl'C, i'!'i1V F)^ pY'OpOS^(i ~' OY' f1Y10'^.Y' ~ OCd1:.l0 Yl. <br />4?RCI^ -~i- <br />