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PnI~IUTES <br />City <br />Au<.~ust ?.7, 19~,& <br />7ext Prescription L.andscape reported that he has a lease a~reement ~,vith <br />Flmendinent Mr. Frattalvne beyond the January 1 date. P~ir. Frattalone reported <br />Landscape that he Faould not hold Prescription ~andscape or ~lnderson l.awn <br />E3usinesses Service to the~r leases. <br />(Cont<1 <br /> ~ir. Flnderson reported that prior to his ~rioving into the Frattalone <br /> bi.~ildinn, he came to the Council to find out if his business was a <br /> permitted use. He was told that it e+as at this time, t~ndersan <br /> pointed out that it cost him thousands of dollars to locate his <br /> business in the Frattalone building and it could i~ankrupt him ifi <br /> he had to mov~ a~ain< Flnderson rAported that his business does not <br /> do tandscaping, out lao-in maintenance. <br /> E3lesener reported that for the record i;he nam2 of ~1r. Anderson's <br /> business is F~nc)erson la4•~n Service, Inc. 3lesener pointed out that <br /> the P1 anner has i ndi catecl that 1 a~rm servi ce i s a permi ttecl use i n <br /> [~-3. <br />The Planner stated that he reviesved the businesses permit~':~el under <br />the Code and qarden supp1y ~vas the closest to the proposed use. <br />7he Planner in<licatec( that it may have been the ~~revious f3uilding <br />Inspector who indicated to T~r. {lnderson that lawn maintenance ~,ias <br />a permittecf ias^. <br />P9r. Collova thought that P4r. i_icht did give the opinion that la~m <br />maintenance was a permittrd use. <br />P1r. Fahey suggestr.d that the P1anner revie~•~ the orclinance and <br />deterrnine if the t4ao businesses +•iould be parmitted. FanAy also <br />reauested tYiat the City Clerk g~t a transcript of the tape of <br />the Council meetinc~ aY, which the Anderson I_asvn Service business <br />license eaas requested. fahey also sungestecl that ttie Planner <br />talk to the neighbors and to f~?r. Frattalone. <br />~=ahey stated that he ~voulc( siapport tne request if it conforrs to <br />the ordinance, and i~ it does not, that is Fine. ~ahey suggestec! <br />that the matter be Y.abled for t~;~o adeeks. <br />k~lesener also sugyes~ed that the Building Inspector be updated <br />on the matter. <br />i'1r. (3lesener introcluced the follos•ling resolution and rnoved its adoution: <br />{;ESOLUTIO~! id0. Fl5-H-372 - TF1E;l.IPIG 11CTIOPI <br />ON TNE T~XT AMF,MUi~9~PJT FOR LAND5Cl1f~~ t3UST~lESSCS <br />~OR T410 1~1GEICS TO GI4E THE CITY CLfRK P,ND CITY <br />PLP,NIdER I~AI OPPORTUPdITY TO IPISPECT TNE '~REVIOUS <br />HISTORY RF.GARDING T;IE APJD~I2SOPi LA4lf~ SERVSf,f: <br />OCCUPIINCY OF TIiE Fft~f~1K ~RAT7/1L0~J~ t~uz~ozr;G <br />Page -9- <br />