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iIiIUT~:S <br />C'i ty i,o~mc i'I <br />Sep~;. 10, l:`2~ <br />Anioco Oil Peterson replied i:ha'~ ~he pipeline 'is t;hr^£~ feet deeE~. ~lso, ttiere <br />(Cont.) f~ave he€~n no ~leaks of the u~ir~elin~ 9n Littl~ Canaea. th~t A~;2oco is <br />a~n~re o~P. <br />F~hey tiianked P~!r. Peterson for tYie very infor~7at~i~~e pres^ntation. <br />~;!'IYIl,`?i" ~'iS. f'~dt"C~"IYII renor~ted t~.hrl~I: ~:t1P I.I1!1(,f?Y' ~dl"illVil~ Oi'1:':11~:~.^.(? t1dS C!n~jrii~({ <br />i;arn~val to 'nolcl its sna,vrnobile r~ces on I_ak~ f''n~len c'~.irinq this y~ar' ,~.~,inier <br />~no~~r:iol~>ile Carnival. <br />?.a:r~s <br />11qf~nda <br />Itern ido. '.; <br />Gver1 ay Of T;~e Ci ~ty Cl ~rk re;~orted ~tha.t a 1 etter +~ras serrt to the rFSi de~nts of <br />%25'f i~.OS° i-t,l'St: ~OS£ ~~7,iCP. clYl(~ ~_B.~CP,SiIOt"C' ,nVE'ill,l8 "It1~~1C1't711<) 1,~981; 'Grl(? ~.lf;.~/ ~YIQ1YlP~Y' <br />!'lace ~°~ and ~~ibl~ic ~~lorl< S~.ipdrin'~encl~nl; are tha~t these stre^ts <br />LakeShore bc~~ overlayed. The Ct~r~ reqorted ~that qf the .'.0 propt*rty o~zrners <br />p,~~=nue inv~lved, 7 are in favor of ~the overlay anc~ 2 a.ra against, Th~ <br />letter also ~indir,af.ed *,,h<at r~ion-r^suonse to th2 ~,~ibu1d be <br />r,r~enc{a consic!ered ~s bein~ ~in favor o~P thn 'improverae~~'t. ~s~'i:.natetl. cos~ <br />Iter,: :"!o. 5 of ti~~ overlay is ~;.`.i0 nf,r front foot. <br />( IMP. 86-6-)i~~rs. Scalze in~Croc!uc^d th~ i°n11o4uing reso1ut;ion and rsoved its adoption: <br />n.r.S(1~UiI0!,~ `:,dC. fifi-9-3q7_ R~,~q`1~lIPlG "rR~i`1 <br />TfaBLE ~C7IOi~l ODI TNf~ 0V~:=.RL,`\Y OF t_~ST ROSE <br />(~I_ii,(,:;: jii~ll) I ~;~C[SfiOnr~ ,~~Ji.i;!I.~'~- <br />T~~e forec;o~i ng resol uti on u,as cii.~ly ,econdE,~d by i`!r. Col l ova. <br />~y~S ~>~ $Ce~~ZE'~ ~O~~OVd~ Ui7,P(llill~ i'ailQJ~ fi~F?$np8't'. <br />i.~~d~/S il ~. <br />Reso1ution dec7ared adopteci. <br />~, <br />TYiis resolu~Cion annears in R.esolu'cion `300!< "~lo. 15, Pare ~6:s. <br />i~tr. ~>1 esan2r i nt'.r~~c'uced the i~o11 o~~.i nc! r~sol uti on and i~aoved i ts a~dot~t'i ori: <br />:21:S01_!JTIO',I N0, 85-5?-3n~ _ 0':[~~RIc!G TFiF <br />D~JF{'.I_~YT'~.~~ OP '-~ST ROS PI_P,i;~. P,P'll LAKr Ss~i'~~>` <br />,~~Irrrp,~~li f~7 Af! f.STIi11\T!:~) COiT Or `i6.50'=:~; <br />F:0'IT f=O~T <br />T'ne ~For~qoing resoliation vras duly sec,on~~eci by ~'s. '~!ardini. <br />l~~yes (~) !31e,~ner, Nardini, Scalz~, Collov~, Fahey. <br />f~!ay> (~). <br />'?~~sol uti on decl arECi a~tot~ted. <br />1'his resol~rt'ion appelrs i~~ !'<:~:solution a'~oo's< P!o. 15, Pane ~E9e <br />Pac~e -3- <br />