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I'~ill'1U7~:S <br />City Council <br />Sent. 10, !9<3i <br />Landscape <br />~3usine>s <br />In B-3 Arca <br />~'ratta.lone <br />P'ropert,y <br />,~ige;~aa <br />It,r;, i!o. 7 <br />f~ir. ~3lesener intr~duced ~Che ~Fo11o~r~ing r~soli.~f.ion ~~nd moved its adoption: <br />Ft~'SOLUTIO~I Nn, s;G-9-395 _ ;3'~I"?GTPICa TO <br />T~,I~LF ~ACTIOh! OfJ TNr D1'O~O;FD TE;(7 <br />'~11(ij,~r~~~~ridT P,LL.O~IY~I(3 L,~~~~OSCnp,r ^IISIi~If:>SES <br />tr.~ ~;-s n~i~:ns <br />TSie ~oreqoin~ resolution ~r~a, duly secondeci by ~"s. ;!~~rdin~i. <br />fl~~es (5) F3lesener, laaresini, Scalze, Paney, `'ollova. <br />fi~ld/s (Oi. <br />ftesol uti on dec1 ared a.clo4~t~<~. <br />T~~~is r~~olution appeurs in R~so1ttt~ion Uoo'; ido. 'IEi, f~ac!e 4J0. <br />"'i}". ~1~!'It'.V SURiI"1N17..E'.(I 1;~i2 ~d~)8 Ol~ ~;{lE' 4pi)1"Ui2Y'.~/ ~~g ~~C;J PI°E'i:1I1C! <br />at t~ahich r~}r. t;nr.±erson o~ A~nd~rson LaU~n Service ~indicatnd~ ~tfiat h~ <br />;~antFd to rrio+re ~in~to t'rie !=ran!: Fra~Ctalon~ buildinr~. 11~; tfiat r~eetin;i, <br />~the Co~~inci1 indicated thst, it vtantec+. f:o be care~fui ~that the pi°on~~sed <br />use via~s perni'tCe<', anci inst:rt.~cf:ed ~1r. .Ancl~rson t;o r~iet~~ ti~rii:h 9:he <br />i,~iildinc~ Inspector. Fa~e,y then reporte~' tnat P~Ir. Ariclerson appcar~~d <br />aqa~ n at: th2 P~bruar~/ ?i ?=~eF~ t~ ric anf~ si~bt;ii ~;f:ett a busi nr~ss perr,~91~ <br /><~opl~icat~ion. Ther~ !~ias a nc~tation on ~th2 boti,orn o~P +he app1ication <br />~:hat ~the bus~ness ~f~as con~Porining. 7he City Clerl< has iru~~icat~d <br />that he inade this notation. Nos~!?uer, no outdoor s~torac;e ~~ras to be <br />a~l 1 o~rir~d ~.ri ~thout a condi ti onal i.isc prrmi t. ~aPiey staf ed ~h~it. ther2 <br />~~~as no~thiny in ~the ~f~le or on the ~tape indicat~n<i th~it f,he Cour~cil <br />Zsked the on~nion o~F the City Pla.nner. FahE~y Turt~her report:ee ~Chat <br />d~arinci tiie ;=~hr~.i~ry 'l.v n~ePtinq, Mr. Ancl2rson indicrz~t.^.<i ~tf~iat h.~ did <br />la~,in maint.,~nanc~ a.nd 'nis Eq~i4pi~?ent consis~t~d of iriowers t~iat s~~ould <br />bc stored i nsi de ~rie bui 1 d7 nc+. Anclerson al so i ridic.ated ~tha.t ~th~~r~ <br />u~~~ul <! bP no enci~ nn aror~f on ~he prerni s~s. 7h~ !:i i:.y Counc~i 1 1;'nnn <br />~UDI"OV(:?Ct ~ilE'. h61S1118i5 ~9C^YISP.,~ ~)dSE'.(~ Ot1 V1Y7<~C L`11° i.OUYlf..1~ hR~IE?V2ti <br />~rias a perm'it't~d tise in <:i ~-3 area. <br />F~ahey it~dic~ted t;hat hc~ Pelt tk~e orciinat~c~ ~,~~as ir:isinternreted ~~id <br />tP~at 1a>>in rnain~c~nanc~ ~,~~as not a pFi°nii~t~ted use in a 3-3 are~A. Fahey <br />stated 1:hat: a r~:iistake e!as iriade on 'Ctie part o~P the Cit9. <br />i~lr. Fran': Fra~Ct~lorie indicated tf~iat: ~ie c~iscussect th2 use ~~ril.'n ~the <br />iSui1~~inc,, Ins7~r.tor %~nr~ ~aas t.olci tha.i la~~n :naintenanc~ ~vas a pero~i~tt2d <br />use as lonq as ~thE~re i~ras no out~;oor storac;e. (ln this ba.sis, '9r. <br />Fratta7onz~ ;~roc~ed~~, i:o 1~a,~ a portion o~ ~he buildinci to Mr. <br />Anderson, f~rattalone asi<ed ~vn/ the>> 'is nr~u! chan,c,^~d. <br />1-ahe~/ re~~liec~. t#i~t ~:'ne s~ituat.ion is chanc+ed baca~,~se ~;i~.~~ Cit.y t`,'Pically <br />~~erates on a c,omnl ~..i nt b~asi s, and ~ t'nas recei ved co,ri{~l a~ n Cs ~'rorn <br />?~ir. ~c'nul ~,z anci a peti ti on frori ti~e nei e+,ihor~ riu; property ov!n^rs <br />a~~ainst the us~~ o~f ~~~e nroperty as r~roposeci. ~'ah~y s~ta~ec~. that: he <br />~is sympathic t~ 61r. ,~nderson's sit.iation, ho~,tever, t:Yie Counc~il ~.~as <br />?acae -n_ <br />