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12-03-86 Council Minutes
City Council Meeting Minutes
12-03-86 Council Minutes
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h":INUTES <br />C'itv Coiancil <br />December 3, 1~~6 <br />Zoning the pool in the required front yard. Hov~ever, a~Fter revie~;a9ng <br />Cotl.e City records, Council deterr;iined that the prooerty vs~ner was <br />Revie~re required to p1ace the pool so as nnt to encroach on the requirec! <br />(Cont.) front ,yard, <br />Tt was the concensus of the Council that ss~inimiriq pools should <br />not be alloai~cl to encroach on a required sethack, hov~ever, dec'~s <br />or porches aioulcf b~ excepted. <br />~ahey pointed out that there is a requirement in the orc(inance <br />that accessory buildings must mainf.ain at least a 10-foot rear <br />yar<I sethark, <br />Ttie 3uildina Inspector pointed ouf, that swimraing pools have qumping <br />Fqui~~ment that is noisy and r,an be a n~.~isanCe to neighhoriny <br />nroperti~s. <br />Nardini renorted that there are heat numps for some fi.mnaces ~hat <br />can also he quite noisy, <br />The Planner reported that is a rlause thaT, be included <br />in the ordinance that says no noise generating ec~uinment such as <br />air-conditioninq condenser ~qu~ipment can be loca~ed in a side yard <br />i~et;w2en huilclings. <br />f•ahny su~~ested that if this clause is made part of the ordinance <br />it should be also 1isted on the chec!<-list that people are given <br />~~~hen ta!<i ng out a bui 1 di nc~ perrni t. Scal ze al so suggested that a <br />notice be includ~d in sewer bi11s. <br />Col1ova felt that the equipment should be allowed in side yards <br />+ahere there is a garage loc,ated on the adjoining ~roperty as well <br />as the sic!e yard of a corner 101: facine a st:reet. <br />Council discussed whether or not ~,~indow air-conditioning units <br />should be inc1ucle<f ~ander this clause and felt that they sl~ould be <br />as these units can also he qiaite noisva <br />T.t dias the concensus of the Coimcil th~~t follo~;~inn the enactment <br />oF th~ ordinance pert,aining to noise generatinn eq~iipment, that <br />the City Clerk should s~ntl a notice outlining ~he conditions of the <br />ordinance in the se,aaer billings. <br />The Planner suggested tha9; t,he notice indicate that existinp <br />uses are grandfa.theree! in unl^ss they violate the City's noise <br />standards, <br />The Cif;y Cler!~ pointed out that currently there is no nenalt,y to <br />a husinesso!~mer tidno Yias Pailed to ta!<e out a ~it.y husiness license. <br />The Clerk pointed out that Lhere are businesses that are licensecl, <br />~~y the State and some of these businessowners do not feel th~y nee<1 <br />a Ci ty 1 icense as 4•iel l. <br />Page -3- <br />
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