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"1I"IUTES <br />Cit;y Council <br />Decer~ber 3, 19~36 <br />Zoning The City C1er!, a1so pointed out <br />Cocle City evYio do no~ ohtain business <br />f2ev i eti•r <br />(Cont.) ~ah~y nointed out that the ordi <br />not collect money in advance of <br />to obtain business licenses. <br />the pro~lem of soliciY.ors in the <br />1icenses. <br />~ance states R:har, solicitors ~~ho ~{o <br />delivery of noods are not required <br />Scalze ~ointed that the City licens~ has ~ Pee of $10. TYie <br />reason t,hat the City requires busin~ss licenses is for ic!~ntification <br />purooses arid as some protect.ion to the gFnert:il pub1ic. <br />Counr,i 1 di sci.~ssec~ 1 i censes for sol i ci tors and ~~hen a permi t shoul d <br />b!~ required and i~rhen one is not ner,rssar~i. <br />Jioi LaNalle reuorted that the Cities of Flrden ~iills and Shorevie4~~ <br />rECently enac.tec~ ordinances ~ert<~ining to solic~tors and s~~ggested <br />Chat the Councii review these ordinances. <br />It ~;tas the concensus of the Counc'il to raviev~ these ordinances. <br />Council then discussecl the r~c~uirernent of a~1Q business license <br />and the fact that aboi.~t 17 businesses out of 300 in the Sity have <br />not ta!<en out this lir,ense. <br />Fahey sugaesteci that h~ discuss the bt,isiness license ordinance wi~tyi <br />the City Attornny and get his opinion on 4vhrther the or<linance svas <br />enforceable. <br />Scalz~ poinCeci ouf, that most other cities have a husiness license <br />reaui remerit:. <br />The City Cler!< reported that some cities ex~mpt businesses li~ensed <br />!~y the State from the reqtiirement of a city business licens~. <br />Scalze ~sked ii junk yarc! and dog !<ennels have been <1ropoed from <br />the ore!inanr.e as permitted uses as the Council previously req~.ies~e~i. <br />Scalze pointed out ~hat 9;hese tvro ~tems are definecl in the definition <br />sect~on of th^ orc{inance. <br />The Pl annr r repl i ed t4iat t?iny have been e1 im~i nat~d and. he ~•ii 11 emend <br />tYie definition section, <br />C,ollova ~s!tecl hoai the Code deals ~~ai4:h situations of a vicious dog <br />or barkinn do~. <br />~aVa11 ~ re~>1 i ed that he thouc~ht these i te~ns s~aoul d be handl ed unc~er <br />the public nilisanc~ section of thE ordinance. Fllso, citizens have <br />the ontion of calling the dog catcher. <br />i'ane -4- <br />