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12-03-86 Council Minutes
City Council Meeting Minutes
12-03-86 Council Minutes
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p1I,dUTEiS <br />Sity Co~.incil <br />December 3, 1985 <br />Zoniny At this point in the m~eting, £3:~~> P.f4., Counci1 tool< a short recess. <br />Cocle "fh~ meetinq 6vas reconvened at n:55 P.f~1, <br />Revie~x <br />(~ont.) Ilext C,ounCil discussec.i 7_oning Orc!inance amendments and that <br />~Fiere sugg~st^tl by the City's previous i~uildinq Snsper.tor. <br />7he first clealt aiith Sect;ion 903.~)2Q,F,7.a,(~) af t:he Ordinanre <br />dealina tdith heiaht of fenc~s ancl placement of a fence in relation <br />Co the prinr,ipal struct~me on a propE~rty. <br />TY, was V;he Planner's rec.omrn~ndation fences not be a1lobred to <br />line up Edith the firont of hoines, +oihi1e the [3uilding Offir.ial felt <br />t~at fences should be allo~~r~d to be constructed at a oo~int one-ha1f <br />of the huildinq depth alony the property line or equal to the front <br />building line of the structure. <br />It was ~the concensus of the Counci1 tn accepi: ~:he [3ui1~inq Inspector's <br />reromm~n<iation. Counci1 also felt that the term "solid fence" siiould <br />he hetter definecl in th~ or<linance, indicatinc! 'the Council's feeling <br />that a r,'nain-lin!< fence t~iith slats does not constiti.i4e a"solid fence". <br />The next section ronsiclered ~rias ~03.07_O.F.7.a.(ti). Council was unclear <br />re~ardinq the 'intent of this section of th~ Code and t:he Planner <br />reported thaC he ~vilt reU~ord the section so that 9t reads inore <br />clea.rly. <br />Counril also cliscussed aihether a fence shoiild be allos~red to be <br />constructed on a pronerty line saith the ad,ioining owner's !~rritten <br />nermission, or should be rFquired to be 1ocated a certain an3ount of <br />feet from the prnoerty 1ine. It ~vas the Conrensus ~f t4ie Counci1 <br />that a Pence should he allo~ied on ~ property lin~ if the adjoining <br />oronerty owner has ~!iven ~~iritten permission. <br />Section 903.0?_O.F.7.b.(2) - This section of the ordinance restricCs <br />the f~ncing of a rear yard to 2'i°h raf the rear yard area. ~ouncil <br />fe~it this restriction 4vas too great and tYiai: a property owner shoi.ild <br />be alloweci to fence f,heir entire back yard area. <br />Section 9Q~.020.G,4.b. - The Council agre~cis~~ith the recommendation <br />of ~the Pl~nner and the t3uilding Inspector r~qardinn the s~ize of <br />plinting ma~;erials as provided in ~th2 Code. Ho~~~ever, the Council <br />felt that there sho~ilci be some requiremen't ~lar,ec! in the ordinance <br />for the soctding or seeding of yards either nrior Co issuance of an <br />occupanC.Y permi t or req~.ii ri nc~ the posti ng of ~i bond for thi s wor!<. <br />The City Cler:< also suhqested that the Ordinance require no plantings <br />or trees on public riqht-of-way. Council agreed. <br />Section 903.020.O.A is in reqards to exterior storaqe. The ~lanner <br />noi ntec( ou1; t:hat there i s an overl appi nq of 1 anguagc~ i n thi s port'i on <br />of Y.he orc~linance, but sur~gesCed it remain. Council agreecl. <br />Paae -5- <br />
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