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02-10-88 Council Minutes
City Council Meeting Minutes
02-10-88 Council Minutes
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P~INUTES <br />City Council <br />Feb. 10, 1988 <br />Gardner David Heller, representing Gardner Bros., reported that the property <br />Br~os. Lot to be spl i t fr~om the Gar•dner~ Br~os. si te on County Road D i s 2.6 <br />Split (Cont.) acres. <br />ftlesener• pointed out that Lar~r•y Lee indicated that he is pur•chasing <br />this pr~oper•ty due to the r~estr•ictive easement acr~oss the souther~n <br />lot line which was purchased for• the Slumber~land development. <br />Neller~ explained that this is a r~estr•ictive building easement which <br />Slumber~land pur•chased fr~om Gar•dner Br•os. in or~c!er~ to meet State Fir•e <br />Codes. Heller~ pointed out that a small cor~ner• of this easement <br />wi 11 extend on the por~ti on of the Gar•dner• Br•os. si te that Gar~dner~ <br />Br~os. is r•etaining, but will not effect their~ development plans <br />for the property. <br />Scalze asked if the por~tion of the Gar•dner~ Bros. site south of the <br />power• lines will become landlocked thr•ough this lot split. <br />Heller~ r•eplied that it would not as they have planned access to <br />thi s ar~ea fr~om under• the power~ 1 i ne easement. <br />Scalze noted that it may be necessar•y for~ Gar~dner• ar~os. to pay a <br />par~k land dedication fee for• the par•cel that it is dividing. <br />Dan Par•ks, engineer• r~epr~esenting Gar•dner~ Br•os., appear•ed befor•e the <br />Council and explained the conceptual dr•ainage plan for~ the Gardner• <br />Br~os, site as well as the site to be pur~chased by Lar•r•y lee. Par•ks <br />explained that plans ar•e for• two ponds, one ~~ihich is located in the <br />southwest corner of the site to be purchased by Larry Lee and another <br />pond under• the power• line easement str•addling the lot line between <br />the Gardner Bros. site and the Larry Lee site. <br />Par•ks expl ai ned the dr~ai nage system pl anned for• the pr~oper•ty, noti ng <br />that if County Road D is ever~ upgr•aded, stor~m sewer• would be <br />installed and the pr~oper•ty would be assessed. <br />Par•ks r•epor•ted that the dr•ainaoe plan was discussed with the City <br />Engineer• who is in agr~eement with the pr~oposed plan. <br />Heller• explained that pr~oposed Par•cel A, the site to be pur•chased <br />by Lar~r•y Lee, contains 2.6 acr~es, .97 acr~es of which ar•e buildable, <br />while the remaining Gardner Bros. site, Parcel B, contains 5.6 <br />acres, 2.4 of which are buildable. <br />alesener• pointed out that Lar•r~y Lee has indicated that he plans <br />to put an addition on the Slumber~land building and it may be necessar•y <br />to obtain additional easement area for this addition. <br />Hel l er• r•epl i ed that i t i s hi s under•standi ng that Lar~r~y Lee wi 11 joci <br />the addition so that an easement is not necessar•y. <br />Par•ks also pointed out that the easement ar•ea can be used for~ par•king, <br />but not for~ a per~manent str•uctur•e. <br />Page -10- <br />
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