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02-10-88 Council Minutes
City Council Meeting Minutes
02-10-88 Council Minutes
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PIINUTES <br />City Council <br />Feb. 10, 1988 <br />Maintenance TNF CITY, !~ITH DU~1N'S SALARY TO BE INCREASED <br />Wor•ker• ANNUALLY OVER THE NEXT THREE-YEAR PERIOD SO <br />(Cont.) TNAT TNE SALARIES OF BOTN P1AI~ITENANCE biORKERS <br />ARE EQUAL AT THE END OF THREE YEARS <br />The for•egoing r~esolution was duly seconded by Mr~s. Scalze. <br />Ayes (4) Blesener, Scalze, Collova, LaValle. <br />Plays (0). <br />Resolution declar~ed adopted. <br />This r•esolution appear~s in Resolution Qook No. 19, Page 51. <br />City Center• Collova suggested that discussion on the City Center• expansion be <br />ossible <br />h as <br />Expansion delayed for• a month due <br />City pur~chase of Spooner~ to the pending issues <br />Park and the School p <br />suc <br />Distr•ict's inter~est <br />Agenda in City par•ticipation in an expansion to the Little Canada Elementar~y <br />Item No. 11 School. <br /> Scalze agr•eed, pointing out that the City has to deter•mine costs <br /> for• the var~ious items it is being appr•oached about and exactly <br /> how much money the City has available. <br />Scalze suggested that the same committee that studied t'rie possibility <br />of the City's participating in the cost of addition to Little Canada <br />Elementar~y School last year• be for•med again. Scalze felt that this <br />committee should have a joint workshop meeting with member~s of the <br />School Distr~ict and the City Council as well as Par•k and Planning <br />Commissions to r•eview the var•ious issues, including finances. <br />Scalze noted that all the issues ar•e ~nter•twined, and pointed out <br />that the City has committed itself to pur•chasing pr•oper•ty in the <br />Center•ville Road ar•ea as well as to pur•chasing Spooner~ Par•k. <br />Dlesener• suggested that only the next step in the City Center <br />expansion be taken at this time, that is, r~eview of the var•ious <br />comments r•egar•ding the City Center• expansion plan and br•inging <br />per•tinent comments to the ar•chitect for• a r~evision of the plan. <br />6lesener pointed out that this is already covered under the retainer <br />agr•eement the City has with SEH. Blesener• also pointed out that <br />r~evision of the plan will allow for• a better~ estimate of the cost <br />of the expansion. <br />Council decided to continue discussion of this matter until later <br />in the meeting. <br />Gar~dner• Scalze pointed out that the Gar~dner~ Br•os. lot split was discussed <br />Br~os. Lot by the Council on Januar~y 28 and by the Planning Commission on <br />Januar•y 14 and Febr•uar~y 4. The Planning Commission has r~ecommended <br />Agenda appr•oval of the lot split as pr•oposed. <br />Item No. 5 <br />Scalze asked the size of the pr•oper•ty that Gar•dner~ Br•os. is pr~oposing <br />to split and sell to Lar•r•y Lee. <br />Paqe -9- <br />
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