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02-10-88 Council Minutes
City Council Meeting Minutes
02-10-88 Council Minutes
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MINUTES <br />City Council <br />Feb. 10, 1988 <br />Str~eet The for•eqoi ng r•esol uti on was duly seconded by P4r•s. Scal ze. <br />Sweeping Ayes (4) Blesener, Scalze, Collova, LaValle. <br />Bids (Cont.) Plays (0). <br />Resolution declar•ed adopted. <br />This r•esolution appear•s in Resolution ~ook No. 19, Page 47. <br />SnoNiplowing Blesener reported that the Public 4lorks Superintendent has been <br />looking into the City's doing its own snowplowing r~ather• than <br />Agenda contr•acting snowplowing with the County. The Super~intendent believes <br />Item No. 11 that this would save the City money, although Blesener~ felt it would <br />be sever•al year~s befor•e the Ci ty woul d beqi n r•eal i zi ng such a savi ngs <br />due to the initial investment that would be necessar~y. <br />Blesener• suggested that the Super•intendent wor~k with the City Auditor~ <br />on this matter• with the Auditor~ r•epor•ting on the financial feasibility <br />of the City crew doing the City's snowplo~.uing. Blesener reported <br />that cur•rently City streets are plowed by the County ~vith City crews <br />cleaning cul-de-sacs. The County sands half the City, while the <br />City cr•e~v sands the other~ half. <br />Mr•. Rlesener~ intr~oduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: <br />RESOLUTIO~! N0. 88-2-46 - AUTHORIZIh1G THE <br />PUBLIC 4~!ORKS SUPERINTENDENT TO WORK WITH <br />TNE CITY AUDITOR ON THE MATTER OF CITY <br />SP101dPL041ING <br />The foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Mrs. Scalze. <br />Ayes (4) Blesener•, Scalze, LaValle, Collova. <br />Nays (0). <br />Resolution declar~ed adopted. <br />This r•esolution appear~s in Resolution Book No. 19, Page 48. <br />Electrical Blesener reminded the Council that last June they authorized the <br />Cost Savings expenditur•e of $3,200 to do some conver•sions at the booster• station <br />At Booster• so that the City only needed to pump dur•ing the evening hour•s and, <br />Station thus, could reduce its electrical rate. Blesener r•eported that <br />due to these conver•sions, the savings the City r•ealized in its <br />Agenda electr•ical r•ate for~ the second half of 1987 was between $3,500 <br />Item No. 11 and ~4,000. <br />Hir•ing Scalze r~epor•ted that Mayor• Fahey asked that the matter• of an <br />Maintenance additional maintenance worker• be tabled until the next Council <br />Wor~ker meeting. However•, Scalze indicated that based on the r•epor•t <br />that the Super~intendent submitted, she was convinced that another• <br />maintenance wor•ker• vdas needed. <br />Page -7- <br />
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