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04-13-88 Council Minutes
City Council Meeting Minutes
04-13-88 Council Minutes
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MIPIUTES <br />City Council <br />April 13, 1988 <br />Payne <br />Avenue <br />(Cont.) <br />* Correction <br />Resolution <br />No. 88-4-I51 <br />>'~ 9,00p.00 <br />The Engineer estimated the cost of the pipe alone at-~9@;00(}~ <br />Council discussed how to finance the r~emainder~ of the r•oad impr•ovement, <br />and asked hoev long Pa,yne Avenue has been in existence. <br />The Fngineer~ estimated Payne Avenue to be nine year~s old. <br />Scalze pointed out that the r~esidents along Mor~rison Avenue wer~e assessed <br />for street reconstruction. <br />Fahey indicated that these r~esidents were assessed at 80% of the <br />cost of the impr•ovement. <br />Bl esener~ poi nted out that D1or•r•i son Avenue was only hal f bui 1 t and not <br />to the same standar•ds as Payne Avenue. Ther~e is also the pr~oposal to <br />pay for the french piping from storm sewer funds. The City Clerk has <br />also suggested that TIF money could possibly be used for• the improvement <br />since the constr•uction within the TIF distr~ict has aided in the deter~ior•- <br />ation of Payne Avenue. Blesener• stated that if the expected life <br />expectancy of a r•oad is 20 year•s and Payne Avenue has existed for• 9 <br />years, then per~haps a 30% assessment for• impr~ovement of Payne Avenue <br />would be in order. Nowever, the City would have to look into the <br />possibility of using TIF funds. Blesener felt a public hearing would <br />be in or•der• to discuss the impr•ovement with the r~esidents of the ar•ea. <br />Fahey asked if the constr~uction of Pa.yne Avenue was inadequate to benin <br />with or if the City Engineer should have anticipatecl the problems the <br />thi s str•eet. <br />The City Engineer~ pointed out that the technology he is pr~oposing for• <br />impr•ovement of the str•eet was not available 9 year~s ago. <br />Scalze asked if this fabr•ic and fr~ench piping should have been used <br />on Thunder~ Bay Road. <br />The Engineer~ r•eplied that it has been used on por•tions of Thunder~ Bay <br />Road. The Engineer• also pointed out that the other• roads in the ar~ea <br />ar~e hi gher• wi th Payne Avenue bei ng the 1 owest r•oad i n the ar~ea. <br />The Engineer• r•epor•ted that fr•ench dr•ains have also been used on Demont. <br />Fahey felt that if Payne Avenue is improved, the City should establish <br />a 50/50 assessment split. Fahey felt that the City's absorbing 70% of <br />the cost of the impr~ovement did not seem equitable and pointed out that <br />in depr~eciating something with a life expectancy of 20 year~s, the fir•st <br />9 or~ 10 year•s would r•esult in a depr•eciation of 60 to 70% of the life <br />expectancy of the pr•oduct. Fahey felt that athr~eshold of 50% should be <br />established for• str~eet r•econstr•uction assessment and the City should not <br />go below this thr•eshold. <br />Scalze agr~eed pointing out that whatever• the City does will establish a <br />pr•ecedent. <br />Page -14- <br />
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