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MINUTES <br />City Council <br />April 13, 1988 <br />Keller• Pkwy. AND TO UPDATE THAT PROPOSAL AS FAR AS <br />Water• & THE EFFECTS OF INFLATION ON THE COST <br />Anderson AND ALSO SUGGESTI~IG THAT A LETTER BE SENT <br />Addition TO THE PROPERTY OWNER OUTLINING THE COSTS <br />(Cont.) AND THE CITY'S FORPIULA USED TO DETERMINE <br />WATER CONNECTION CHARGES TO PROPERTIES <br />LOCATED OUTSIDE THE CITY <br />The for•egoing r•esolution was duly seconded by Mr~s. Scalze. <br />Ayes (5) Blesener, Scalze, Collova, Fahey, LaValle. <br />Nays (0). <br />Resolution declar•ed adopted. <br />This resolution appears in Resolution Book No. 19, Page 138. <br />Twin Lake The City Engineer• r•eported that he will be r•eviewing with the State <br />Tr•ai 1 Ber•m Hi ghway Depar•tment a new al ter~nati ve for haul i ng di r•t to constr~uct <br />a berm on the r•ight-of-way area adjacent to Twin Lake Tr•ail. The <br />Agenda Engineer~ stated that he will r~eport fur•ther• on this matter~ after he <br />Addition has visited with the Highway Depar~tment. <br />Countr•y The City Engineer• r•epor~ted that ther~e was a cave-in in a section of <br />Drive the Country Drive right-of-way and a storm sewer pipe was pulled apart. <br />Repair• The cave-in has been tempor•ar~ily r•epair•ed and the City Engineer• suggested <br />that the Ci ty tr~y to obtai n State Ai d funds for~ the per•manent r•epai r~. <br />Agenda <br />Addition Mr~. Blesener~ intr•oduced the following r•esolution and moved its adoption: <br />RESOLUTION N0. 88-4-135 - AUTHORIZING THE <br />CITY ENGINEER TO FILE A FORCE ACCOU~IT TO <br />TRY TO OBTAIN STATE AID FUNDS TO REPAIR <br />DAP~AGES ON COUNTRY DRIVE <br />The for~egoing r•esolution was duly seconded by Mr•s. Scalze. <br />Ayes (5) Blesener, Scalze, LaValle, Fahey, Collova. <br />Nays (0). <br />Resolution declar•ed adopted. <br />This r•esolution appear•s in Resolution gook No. 19, Page 139. <br />Collova asked when Country Drive would be repaved. <br />The Ci ty Engi neer• r•epl i ed that a good por•ti on of the r~oad wi 11 be <br />r~epaved in conjunction with the Little Canada Road Br•idge impr•ovement. <br />The City will have the r~emaining por•tion of the str~eet r•epaved. <br />LeClair•e The City Engineer repor~ted that the City is taking bids for• the wheelchair• <br />Nall lift at the LeClaire Hall. <br />Agenda <br />Addition <br />Page -16- <br />