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MINUTES <br />City Council <br />May 11, 1988 <br />R& S meet with the Planner•. It was noted that a var•iance may be necessar•y, <br />Automotive however•, the City Planner would make this deter•mination. However•, <br />Expansion Council infor•med the applicant that the or•dinance does not allow the <br />(Cont.) cr~eation of a new lot which would r•equir•e a variance. <br />Fahey r•eported that after• the pr•oposal i s r•evi ewed by the P1 anner~, <br />and if it is found to be feasible, an application would have to be <br />submitted thr~ough formal channels, first to the Planning Commission <br />for• a r•ecommendation and then to the Council. <br />Recess At this point in the meeting, 9:04 P.M., Council took a shor~t r~ecess. <br />The meeting was r~econvened at 9:13 P.M. <br />Announce- Fahey r•epor~ted that on May 20, 21, and 22, 1988 the Nor~th Subur•ban <br />ment public access channels will hold a live accessathon. The accessathon <br />will be on Pubic Access Channel 33 and on Gover~nment Access Channel <br />16. Bever~ly Scalze will be featur~ed on the accessathon. <br />Bingo Fahey r•epor•ted that the City has r•eceived applications for~ r~enewal <br />License of bingo licenses fr•om the Little Canada Fir~e Depar•tment, Lake Owasso <br />Renewals Childr•en's Home and the Nor~th Suburban Youth Association. Fahey <br />Fir~e Dept. r'epor•ted that ther•e has been a lack of communication with these <br />, <br />Lake Owasso three char~ities and financial infor~mation has not been submitted <br />h's <br />Jose <br />d St <br />~ <br />f M <br />Homes, p <br />. <br />y an <br />ar <br />in the same for•mat has was done by Ser~vants o <br />Nor•th Society. <br />Subur~ban <br />Youth <br />Fahey fur•ther r~epor~ted that Councilman LaValle, ser~ving as liaison <br />Assoc to the Little Canada Bingo Hall, has developed a for~mat for• r•epor•ting <br />. of fi nanci al i nfor•mati on. Fahey r•epor•ted that ther•e ar~e r•epresentati ves <br />Agenda present from the Lake Owasso Childr•en's Home and Nor•th Suburban Youth <br />17a <br />Item No Association who have indicated that they will comply with the financial <br />. r•eporting r~equir•ements of the City. The Fir•e Department has also <br /> indicated that they will submit necessar~y financial infor•mation. <br /> Fahey r•epor•ted that the financial infor•mation the City is r•equesting <br /> is in addition to the r•epor•ting requirements of the State. The City <br /> is looking for a simple way for• the Council to r•eview financial <br /> information and compare nights of operation between the var~ious <br /> charities. <br />Fahey suggested that since the applications ar~e now within the 30-day <br />per•iod dur~ing which the City has to act on these applications, that <br />the City appr•ove the applications with the condition that the necessar•y <br />financial data be submitted within two weeks. Failur•e to pr~oduce <br />that information will deem the licenses denied. <br />Scalze r•epor~ted that the for~mat she wants to see is not the one <br />developed by Mr•. LaValle, but r•ather the for•mat that St. Joseph's <br />Page -10- <br />