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MINUTES <br />City Council <br />May 11, 1988 <br />Ger•vai s <br />Overlook <br />Addition <br />(Cont.) <br />R&S <br />Automotive <br />Expansion <br />Agenda <br />Item No. 8 <br />The Ci ty Cl er•k poi nted out that the sewer• i s the Metr~o Sewer Inter~ceptor•. <br />The City Engineer• r•epor•ted that Maplewood specifications could be <br />followed for• the sewer•, however; Little Canada specs would need to <br />be followed for~ the water•main. <br />The Ci ty Engi neer r•epor•ted that he wi 11 deter•mi ne the costs for• br~i ngi ng <br />Little Canada water•main to the edge of the proper•ty and will ask Bob Voto <br />deter•mine a connection char•ge based on the for•mula used to deter•mine <br />Cub Foods' connection char•ge. However•, the City Engineer pointed out <br />that water•main would have to be br•ought past 7 or• 8 lots in Little <br />Canada some of whom may not be in favor of a watermain improvement <br />and ther•e ar•e also some lots in Maplewood that the City could not assess. <br />Blesener suggested that the costs be put together• and pr~esented to Mr~. <br />Nelson. It may be that Mr•. Nelson will have to assume the total cost <br />in or•der~ to get water• to his pr~operty. This is something that Nelson <br />will have to consider•. <br />Fahey noted that the pr•evious r~esolution of Apr•il 13th still stands <br />which dir•ects the City Engineer• to put together~ the estimated costs <br />for• br~i ngi nq uti 1 i ties to the edge of the Ger•vai s Over~l ook Addi ti on. <br />It was noted that only the water•main costs need to be deter•mined. <br />The Mayor r~eviewed the Planner•'s repor•t dated May 5, 1988 r~egar~ding <br />the R& S Auto Salvage expansion proposal. Since the applicant did <br />not r~ecei ve a copy of the r~epor•t one was pr~ovi ded. Fahey al so <br />instr~ucted the City Cler•k to pr~ovide similar• repor~ts to applicants <br />pr•ior• to the meetings so that they may be pr•epar~ed to r•espond. <br />Council r•eviewed the Planner•'s r•ecommendation that since there ar•e <br />two pr•incipal uses on one lot, the pr~oper•ty should be subdivided. <br />This would also requir•e the clean-up of the auto salvage oper•ation <br />which would be located on the newly cr~eated lot. Scr•eening of the <br />auto salvage oper~ation would also be r•equired. <br />Collova asked if the building expansion would be sprinkler~ed. <br />Louie Rustad, R& S, r•eplied that the expanded pole building would <br />be spr•inkler~ed. <br />Blesener~ suggested that the applicants meet with the Planner to <br />discuss his r~ecommendations and deter~mine whether~ or• not the proposal <br />is feasible. <br />Scalze suggested that at the time a lot split is appr•oved, the City <br />may want to r•equir~e impr•ovement of the cul-de-sac at the end of Woodlyn <br />Avenue. <br />Fahey suggested that the City Engineer• look into this at the time <br />a lot split is applied for•. In the meantime, the applicant should <br />Page -9- <br />