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MINUTES <br />City Council <br />June 22, 1988 <br />Country Mr. ~ohn Larson, Bwana Archery Range, appeared before the Council <br />Dr~i ve & r•equesti ng concept appr•oval of the devel opment of an i ndoor• ar•chery <br />Bwana r•ange at 3150 Countr•y Dr•ive. <br />Archer•y <br />Range Fahey r~epor~ted that the Planning Commission has voted in favor• of the <br />concept. <br />Agenda <br />Item No. 8 Scalze r•epor•ted to Mr~. Lar•son that the City's Economic Development <br />Committee is consider•ing the r~elocation of Country Dr•ive and pointed <br />out that this may effect his development plans since a portion of the <br />r•elocation would touch his pr~oper•ty. Scalze r•epor•ted that the <br />Y'elocation may involve the tr•ading of pr~oper~ty on the east and west <br />ends of the lot. <br />Fahey asked Mr~. Lar~son when he is planning to develop his proper~ty. <br />Lar•son r•eplied that he was hoping to complete a development in the <br />Spr~ing of 1989, however~, was only seeking concept appr•oval at this <br />time. <br />Lar~son r~epor•ted that he is planning to constr•uct a metal building. <br />The business would include an indoor• ar~cher~y r•ange, some manufactur•ing <br />and some r•etai 1 . <br />Blesener• stated that he would like to see a better~ quality development <br />than a metal building, although he under•stands that metal buildings <br />ar•e allowed under• the cur•r~ent zoning of the pr•operty. <br />Scalze agr~eed and suggested that the matter• be tabled at this time <br />until the City has deter~mined what it will do in this ar•ea. <br />Fahey suggested that a development mor•ator~ium could be declar~ed in the <br />area until the issue of the Country Drive r~elocation is r•esolved. <br />Qlesener• agr•eed. <br />Fahey stated that it did not make sense to appr~ove the development of <br />another building in this ar•ea that may have to be pur~chased or• r~elocated <br />in conjunction with the r•elocation of Countr•y Dr~ive. Fahey suggested <br />a 6-month mor•ator•ium be declar•ed and if the City does not move for•ward <br />on the r•oad r~elocation matter•, Mr•. Lar~son could pr•oceed with his <br />development plans. <br />Larson asked for~ an explanation of the relocation pr~oposal. <br />Fahey explained the r•elocation and the pr•oposal to cut the elevation <br />of the pr•oper•ty al ong the fr~eeway to gi ve thi s pr•oper~ty better• <br />visibility to the freeway. <br />Blesener• suggested that along with this pr~oposal, the Council also <br />consider• an amendment to the Zoning Or•dinance to r•equir•e a higher• <br />quality development in the area. <br />Fahey agr•eed, pointing out that this area will be a showcase ar•ea <br />Page -8- <br />