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MINUTES <br />City Council <br />June 22, 1988 <br />Country <br />Dr•i ve & <br />Bwana <br />Archer•y <br />Range <br />(Cont.) <br />for• the City. <br />Lar•son r~epor~ted that the r~eason he is looking at a metal building is <br />for• cost effectiveness, and could not affor•d the same size building <br />of higher~ constr~uction standar•ds. <br />Bl esener• poi nted out that the Countr•y Dr•i ve property i s pr•ime pr•oper~ty <br />and the City should be car•eful in the type of clevelopment it allows in <br />this area. <br />Fahe,y asked if Mr~. Lar•son had an option on the proper~ty. <br />Lar•son r•eplied that he had an option until July 15 subject to concept <br />appr~oval of hi s pr•oposal. Lar•son al so r~epor~ted that he had a pr~obl em <br />with a 6-month development moratorium since his lease at his pr•esent <br />location expir~es on May lst and he hoped to be located in a new <br />facility by that time. <br />Scalze r•epor~ted that the Economic Development Committee has spent <br />alot of time on this issue and felt that the best inter•ests of the <br />City must be consider~ed. Scalze felt the mor•ator•ium should be <br />called to give the Committee time to study the options. <br />Fahey agr~eed and commented that while this may pr•esent a har•dship to <br />Mr•. Lar•son, it is a ser•ious proposal which must be r•eviewed. <br />Lar•son asked if the City would be condemning the por•tion of pr~oper•ty <br />needed for relocation of Country Drive. <br />Blesener• r•eplied that that is a possibility. <br />Scalze pointed out that a pr•oper•ty tr•ade could possibly be wor•ked out. <br />The City Cler•k suggested that a public hear•ing may be necessar•y on the <br />development mor•ator•ium. <br />The City Attor•ney did not believe a public hear•ing was necessar•y, <br />but would r•esear•ch that issue. <br />Mr•. Fahey intr•oduced the following r•esolution and moved its adoption: <br />RESOLUTION N0. 88-6-251 - DECLARING A 6-MONTH <br />DEVELOPMENT MORATORIUPI FOR PROPERTY ALONG <br />COUNTRY DRIVE FROM LITTLE CANADA ROAD TO THE <br />RAILROAD PROPERTY ADJACENT TO LEVITZ, l~lITH THE <br />MORATORIUM TO QE LIFTED EARLIER IF DETERP9INED <br />BY THE COUNCIL TNAT THE COUNTRY DRIVE RELOCATION <br />PROPOSAL IS NOT FEASIBLE, THE P40RATORIUM BEING <br />NECESSARY TO ALLOW THE ECONOP9IC DEVELOPMENT <br />COMPIITTEE, CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING COMMISSION <br />TIME TO COMPLETE THE FEASIf3ILITY STUDY REGARDI~IG <br />RELOCATION OF COUNTRY DRIVE AND/OR REZONI~IG TO <br />Page -9- <br />