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fIINLTTL]S <br />So1i.d G~Jaste P.clvisory Committee <br />July 19, 19~~3 <br />41.r. loch, 1 resi.dent o.r`. Little Canada, stated that he nas not needed <br />g~rbage pici;u~> at kiis home since he h~s a business in St. Paul, 1nd <br />that he dtzmps his compostab7.e items in his garden, C1rs. Tipler stated <br />tkaat they tail.l be con.>i.clering special caseso bu~ ~he special cases <br />taoul.d have to be subrni.tted in ~ariting to the Cornmi.ttee. <br />n person Z~resent ~t ~he hezrincl asked th~L- ii tkie contractor. h~s <br />trucks picking up c~azba<je, recyclab.les, anci cornpost, wou'lcln't that <br />cause rnore traLfic on tYie streets. ~~?rs. Ti.pler stated that haulers iri <br />other cities kiave aclcled an object or ~railer. onto L-he back of thei.r <br />truclcs which takes f:he recyclables a7_oncJ ~~ii.tki tYie rest of the <br />gar'oage. There probably e~ould have to be a c7ifferent truclt £or <br />pickincJ up compostable items. T'Irs. 'Pipler felt ttaat the recycling <br />trucks cliG no~ weigh as mucla as the rec~ular garbacJe trucl;s. <br />P1r. EIelcJeson, a resiclent of T.,attle ~anac~a, asl;ed if' the leaves ceou].d <br />have to be bagged ~t the or woulcl tYie hauler pi_cl; ~hem up <br />wi~kz a vacuum systern> P.~1r. Glanzer :stateci L-hat that is still oZ~en, <br />The qua_lity of the compost is not as gooc] with ~ vacuum system. <br />Iielgeson asked if tkiey ~~ii.l7. piclc up gr~ss clippings at the home. tir, <br />Glanrer repliec{ only during the time tYiey are picl;ing u~ leaves in the <br />spring ancl ~he fall, i•ir. ITelqeson stated thlt the service he h~s nos~i <br />talces anything a> long ~s it is in a bag. i~%r. Glanzer stated tkiat <br />some haulers cao no~•~, but there are la~as thzt vri.l.l. prohibit picking up <br />of ylyd waste in the Luture, t7s. IIaJ.pine commented that i.t will l:~e <br />un1a~~~Lu7. for the Y~au].er.s to; up yar.d ~aaste by January 1_, J.9~0, <br />P~rs. TiR~ler stated that i£ there is enougli ca7.7. ior qrlss clippinc~s f:o <br />be pickeci up aJ.7. >ummer long, then maybe Lhe contractor tiai.11 have to <br />do that, bat then the residents ~aill hlve to k~ay Lor it. <br />n person present at the heari.a~g asiced if businesses were going to be <br />incluc~ed in tlae picl; up. 69r, Glanzer re~~lied that ~t first the <br />Comrnittee was just considerzng residential piclc u~~; however, they <br />~>>oulci li.ise to include businesses, but e~eh business has a spcci.alizecl <br />type of: service and it ~~~ould be dif£icult to provide for all <br />businesses. i•1r, Clanzer stzitecl thlt he ~voulci 1al;e to leave it open so <br />that they could provi.cle it for at ].cast sonie nno~her <br />person f:elt that piclc uc~ should incl.ude stri}a ma11s where L•her.e are <br />marxy carclboarc~ boxes thro~~m a~~7ay each dzy, T*Irs, Ti.~~ler agreec~. <br />1~ person present at the hearing felt ~hat since i;he ~aorld has lanc,£i.7.7. <br />i~roblern.>, x~eople shoulcl lobby to ~7.iminate non-recyclable ;prociuct. <br />.take plasti.c. t-1rs. ~1'ipler 1clr~ecl that it was a good point; kio~aever <br />legis].a~;ure in tkxe last session kxacl some good ideas 9.n that area, but <br />they c~id not c~et ;oassed. <br />A re~~resentative frorn S~rE~er Cycle <br />that pa.c}, u;~ in Little Canada now <br />]oaded, and Staper Cycle is <br />commented that the trucl;s <br />do not over ?..5,000 pouncas <br />on a ~aay to recyc.le ~].astic, <br />Page 3 <br />