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MINUTES <br />City Council <br />August 24, 1988 <br />Imp. No. Blesener~ asked when the City might anticipate constr•uction of Imp. No. <br />88-19 88-19 to begin. <br />(Cont.) <br />The Engineer• r•eplied that the wor~k would be completed this fall. <br />Mover's The Mayor opened the public hearing to consider the r•equest of Mover's <br />War•ehouse Warehouse for a Conditional Use Permit to construct two free-standing <br />CUP For• signs on their• pr~oper~ty at 2940 Rice Str~eet. Both the Planning Commission <br />Two Free- and City Planner~ have recommended appr•oval of the r•equest. <br />Standing <br />Signs Fahey pointed out that at the Planning Commission the Mar•ketplace expressed. <br />concern that the additional fr•ee-standing sign would block the visibility <br />Agenda of their• sign. Nowever~, the Planner~ did not feel this would occur~. <br />Item No. 6 <br />There was no one from the gener•al public pr~esent wishing to comment on this <br />r•equest. <br />Mr. Fahey introduced the following r•esolution and moved its adoption: <br />RESOLUTION N0. 88-8-343 - CLOSING THE PUBLIC <br />HEARING ON THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUEST <br />QY MOVER'S WARENOUSE FOR TWO FREE-STANDING <br />SIGNS ON THEIR SITE AT 2940 RICE STREET <br />The for~egoing r~esolution was duly seconded by Mrs. Scalze. <br />Ayes (5) Fahey, Scalze, Blesener•, LaValle, Collova. <br />Nays (0). <br />Resolution declar•ed adopted. <br />This resolution appears in Resolution Book No. 20, Page 349. <br />Blesener pointed out that the City has appr•oved similar~ r•equests wher~e <br />there are multiple uses on a par•cel. <br />Scalze pointed out that the Or•dinance allows by Conditional Use Permit <br />a maximum of 2 free-standing signs in cer~tain instances. <br />E3lesener asked if the new sign would meet City Code requir•ements. <br />The Planner~ r~eplied that it would, however•, he has not seen the site <br />plan for~ sign location so he has not been able to deter•mine if Mover•'s <br />War•ehouse is consider•ing placing the sign in the public right-of-way. <br />The Council felt that all Code r~equir•ements should be met in this r•equest. <br />Mr~s. Scalze introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: <br />RESOLUTION N0. 88-8-344 - APPROVING TNE CONDITIONAL <br />USE PERMIT FOR MOVER'S WARFIIOUSE ALLOWING TN10 FREE- <br />Page -3- <br />