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MINUTES <br />City Council <br />April 26, 1989 <br />Fahey stated that that miqht be tr~ue of the sur~roundinq ar•ea, but not of <br />the Metr•o area. <br />LaValle pointed out that Fina only wanted to replace its existinq sipn <br />with a newer, more attr•active siqn. <br />Scalze noted that in order to do that, the Code must be changed. Scalze <br />also pointed out that the f,ity pr•eviously denied a var•iance for• McDonald's. <br />LaValle r~eported that the City is tr•ying to pr~omote itself, and the first <br />thinc~ someone sees enter•inq the City aloriq Rice Street is a new Fina <br />station with an old sign. LaValle did not feel this was a qood way to <br />mar~ket the City. <br />Scalze pointed out that Fina will chanqe their siqn. <br />Collova felt that Fina should be allowed to replace the existinq sign at <br />its current heiqht. <br />Fahey stated that a siqn 30 feet in heiqht alonq a fr•eeway is not ver•y hic~h <br />and pointed oiat that the Fina siqri is not ver•.y lar•ge. Fahey felt that Fina <br />was tr~yinq to impr•ove the looks of the pr•oper•t,y, pointinc~ out that the siqn <br />will nr•obably not be visible fr•om the fr•eeway. <br />Scalze aqreed that Fina was not really ad,iacent to Hiqhway 36 due to the <br />c~reen space between the huildinq and the hiqhway riaht-of-way. <br />Fahey felt that the City should do somethinp for• the businesses alona the <br />fr•eeway and felt that the City Planner~ should look at the issue and make <br />a recommendation on the distance from the freeway that should be considered <br />for• hiqher siqns. Fahey also felt that a 3Q to 35 foot heiqht alonq the <br />fr•eeway should be allowed. <br />Mr. Wilcox pointed out that it is unfair to Judqe ordinancesof various <br />cities just on face value, since variances to these ordinancesare 9ranted <br />all the time. Wilcox also felt that ther•e should be special tr•eatment for~ <br />freeway fr~ontage. Wilcox also poirited out that Fina's competitor• in the <br />City has a 50+ hiqh sign plus an additional pylon with a r•evolvina sphere. <br />blilcox did not feel Fina should be sinqled out and penalized. <br />Wilcox r•epor•ted that a 30 foot siqn heiqht was acceptable to Fina, althouqh <br />35 foot heiqhts ar•e very common in St. °aul. <br />Wilcox suqqested that a r•easonable appr•oach to the issue was to amend the <br />or~dinance to allow for• a hiqher~ siqn heiqht for businesses located along <br />the freeway or a certain distance from a freeway interchanqe. <br />The Planner suqgested that ther~e ar•e two issues, is the City in favor of <br />hiqher sians for business located around a freeway interchanqe or for <br />all husinesses located along a freeway. <br />Fahey stated that he would prefer hi9her siqns for business located within <br />Paqe -21- <br />