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~1I~IUTES <br />City Council <br />August 2fi, 198Q <br />Orqanized Collova reported that the City is attemptinq to neqotiate a nrice with <br />Collection trash haulers to provide organizec~ collection. There will be another <br /> meetinq on May 10 to try to establish a price. <br />Ac~enda <br />Item No. 17b <br />Garden Plots Scalze reported that the 55+ Club has expressed interest in the City's <br /> pr•oviding gar•den plots in Pioneer Par~k to senior• citizeris. Scalze <br />Agenda reported that the Park Commissian has reviewed this request and <br />Item No. 18a recommended that garden plots not he included in park property due to <br /> the potential for vand.alism. The Park Commission recommended that <br /> other areas of the City be considered. <br /> y suggested that if this idea is adopted, that the plots not be <br />Fahe <br /> , <br />limited to senior citizens, but available to ariVOne in the City who <br /> is interested. Fahey pointed out that single parents or families <br /> may have i~ast as qreat a need as senior citizens. <br /> Scalze r•epor~ted that the 55+ Club would coor•dinate the effor~t arid <br /> pointed out that they should be responsible for cleaning up the plots. <br /> Scalze also felt that this was not an issue that required the Park <br /> Commission's r•eview, but r~ather the Couricil's. <br />!~leserier• suqqested that if the idea is adopted, the plots be available to <br />citizens on a first-come, first-served basis. <br />Mr. Fahey introduced the following resolutiori and moved its adoption: <br />RESOLUTION P10. 89-4-176 - /1CCEPTING THE <br />RECOMPIFMDATION OF TNE PARK COMMISSIOPI TO NOT <br />P4AKE PROPERTY AVAILARLF WITHIN CITY PARKS <br />FOR USE AS GARDEN PLOTS DUF TO CONCERNS Af~OUT <br />VANDALISM <br />The foregoirig resolution was duly seconded by Mrs. Scalze. <br />Ayes (5) Fahey, Scalze, 9lesener, Collova, LaValle. <br />Nays (0). <br />Resolution declar•ed adopted. <br />The Council discussed the issue of either having plots available to anyone <br />within the City or limiting it to senior citizens. It was the concensus <br />of the Couricil that if ari acceptable site is found and the Seriior• f,itizeri <br />Coordinator administers the proqram, that the Council would not object to <br />the pronram being limited to senior citizens. <br />Mrs. Scalze introduced the followinq resolution and moved its adoption: <br />RESOLUTION N0. 89-4-177 - AUTHORI7INf, THF SENIOR <br />CITI7.EN COORDINATOR TO I~IVFSTIGATE THE IDEA OF <br />rARDEN PLOTS FOR SENIOR CITI7FNS AND MAKE A <br />Page -29- <br />