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MINUTES <br />City Council <br />4uqust 26, 1989 <br />RECOMMEN~ATION TO THF CITY COUNCIL FOR A <br />LOCATION, WITH THF1T LOCATION NOT TO BE ON <br />CITY PARK PROPERTY <br />The foreqoiriq resolution was duly seconded by P1r. Fahey. <br />Ayes (4~ Scalze, Collo~ia, Blesener, LaValle. <br />Nays (1) Fahey. <br />Resolutiori declared adopted. <br />Ballfields Scalze r~epor•ted that the Par~k Commission has r•ecommended that ballfields <br />iri Pioneer• Park have a depth of 300 feet based ori the r•ecommeridatiori of <br />Aqerida the Recr•eation Oir~ector as well as r•ecommeridatioris of other• r~ecreation <br />Item No. 18b director~s from other• cities. <br />Fahey r•epor•ted that his oppositiori to this was that it would take usable <br />park land. <br />f3lesener pointed out that 300 foot fields make the park land more usable <br />since soccer fields and football fields can become joint uses of the <br />ballfield area. <br />Fahey stated that after• r•eviewing this iriformatiori arid that fr•om the <br />Recreation Director, he was in favor of the 300 foot fields. <br />Scalze stated that her only concern was that fields not be monopolized by <br />tournament use and that there be a mixed use of the fields. <br />Mr•s. Scal ze i ntr•oduced the fol l owi rig resol uti ori arid moved i ts adopti on: <br />RESOLUTI0~1 P10. 89-4-17A - AMENDING THF COUNCIL'S <br />PREVIOUS RESOLUTION AND APPROVING 300 FOOT BAILFIELDS <br />FOR PIONFER PARK BASED ON THE RECOMMEN~ATIOPJ OF THE <br />CITY'S RECREATION DIRECTOR AS WFLL AS OTHER RECREATION <br />DIRFCTORS, BUT RF~UIRING THAT PROGRAMMINf, OF THE <br />FIELDS GIVE FIRST PRIORITY TO TFAMS THAT LIVF OR <br />WORK IN LITTLE CANADA WITH F(IUAL USF TO YOUTH, ADULTS, <br />AND MEN'S AND IdOMEN'S TFAMS WITN A RESTRICTION 0~1 THE <br />APIOUNT OF TQURNAMENT USE ON THE WEFKENDS SINCF THE <br />PARK IS LOCATED WITHIN A RESIDENTIAL AREA <br />The for•egoir~g r•esolution was duly seconded by Mr•. Blesener. <br />Ayes (51 Scalze, Fahe,y, Blesener, Collova, LaValle. <br />Nays (0). <br />Resolution declared adopted. <br />Cel ebrate MN Scal ze r~epor~ted that as par•t of the Cel ebrate MN 1990 progr•am a tr•ai 1 <br />will be improved on the west side of DeSoto from the Little Canada School <br />Aqenda to Pioneer Park. The City has submitted a grant application to the <br />Addi ti on North Subur•ban Youth Associ ati ori for• thi s tr•ai 1, however~, they tabl etl <br />Paqe -30- <br />