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MINUTES <br />PLANNING COMMISSION <br />JUNE 14, 2001 <br />Carson asked if this water eventually flowed into Gervais Lake. <br />Frattalone replied that it did, only currently the water flows overland into <br />Guavas. <br />Frattalone described the screening he is proposing, and indicated that he <br />agreed with the Planner's recommendation for black fencing rather than <br />fencing with slats. <br />With regard to parking, Frattalone indicated that his business is different <br />than that of a manufacturing business, therefore, the same parking <br />requirements should not apply. Frattalone pointed out that many of his <br />employees report directly to the job site. There are approximately 12 to 15 <br />day -time mechanics that report to the shop building as well as 2 parts <br />runners and 30 office employees. Therefore, 45 to 50 employees will be <br />working at the Rice/Spruce site with the remainder of his employees <br />reporting to the job site. As a result, Frattalone requested that the amount <br />of required parking be reduced. <br />The City Planner indicated that the plans show 93 parking spaces and he <br />felt that was reasonable given the nature of the business. The Planner <br />recommended the proof -of- parking option be exercised and that Frattalone <br />indicated on the plan a future parking area that would meeting the parking <br />requirements of the ordinance. <br />Keis asked about Frattalone's future growth plans. Frattalone replied that <br />while the business has been growing each year, he does not have a specific <br />plan for growth. He anticipated that the business grows more with regard <br />to work in the field than it will as far as impact on office or shop space. <br />Roycraft expressed concerns about drainage and asked if the Watershed <br />District has expressed any concerns, specifically with run -off into the <br />pond. Frattalone replied that his property will not drain into the pond and <br />pointed out the on -site holding pond proposed in the southeast corner of <br />the property. Frattalone explained that run -off will flow across the Water <br />Department property, underneath Spruce Street to the ditch on the east <br />side of the street, and eventually into Gervais. <br />Roycraft indicated that he was concerned about additional run -off and that <br />the pond will become overwhelmed. Frattalone pointed out that he is not <br />changing the drainage patterns for the Rice Street parcel. He again noted <br />the on -site holding pond in the southeast corner of the Spruce Street site. <br />That pond is being sized to handle a l0 -year flood. <br />Roycraft stated that he would like to know the Watershed's position on <br />drainage. Frattalone reported that he has a permit from the Watershed, <br />and noted that the only elevations that are being changed relate to the <br />6 <br />PAGE 58 <br />