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MINU 1ES <br />PLANNING CONEVIISSION <br />JUNE 14, 2001 <br />buildings. The City Planner pointed out that the City Engineer and the <br />Watershed will review and approve any grading and drainage plans. <br />Roycraft again expressed concern about drainage and run -off into the <br />pond. Frattalone explained site elevations in detail. <br />Frattalone described the facade of his proposed buildings, noting that it <br />will be similar to what D & T Trucking has. He also explained the floor <br />plans for both the office and shop buildings. <br />Keis asked about paved driveway access between the Rice Street and <br />Spruce Street sites. Frattalone indicated that he would pave the south end <br />of the Rice Street property, but did not want to pave into the middle of his <br />yard because track equipment would rip up the blacktop. <br />Keis asked about the percentage of equipment using Rice Street as an <br />access versus Spruce Street. Frattalone anticipated that 30% to 40% of the <br />morning traffic will utilize Rice Street with less in the afternoon. <br />Frattalone pointed out that he will take dust control measures on his <br />property pointing out that he utilizes blacktop millings on his current site. <br />Frattalone again stated that he would be agreeable to a right -turn only on <br />Rice Street, but would like the ability to have small pick -ups and vehicular <br />traffic turn left. <br />Frattalone reported that he would have final engineered plans reviewed by <br />the City Engineer prior to the Council meeting on June 27t. <br />The City Planner reported that the landscape plan as submitted looks good. <br />Frattalone reported that he would like to begin construction of the <br />buildings in August with occupancy in February. <br />Mr. Carson recommended approval of the Planned Unit Development <br />Permit allowing construction of an industrial /office complex at Rice Street <br />and Spruce Street as proposed by Frank Frattalone subject to compliance <br />with the recommendations of the City Engineer and the City Planner, <br />allowing for paving of access between the Rice Street and Spruce Street <br />sites with blacktop millings, and subject to there being left turn only onto <br />Rice Street. <br />Motion seconded by Knudsen. <br />Motion carried 7 — 0. <br />7 <br />PAGE 59 <br />