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MINUTES <br />CITY COUNCIL <br />JUNE 27, 2001 <br />Scalze suggested that the plan be referred to the Parks & Recreation <br />Commission indicating that they may want to require a public trail abutting <br />Blacktern Pond. Scalze pointed out that the Rice Street bridge over 694 is <br />being replaced and there is planning underway related to transportation issues <br />in this area. Frattalone pointed out that he has indicated a trail on the plans and <br />would be willing to grant an easement for a public trail. <br />Frattalone reported that he is currently working with the St. Paul Water <br />Department to provide a piped outlet for Blacktern Pond over his property into <br />the Water Department property. There is currently no overflow for Blacktem <br />Pond. This water will then run into a catch basin and into a ditch then over <br />into the Owasso Basin and eventually into Gervais. Frattalone indicated that <br />the Watershed is considering dropping the elevation of Blacktern Pond by 1 -1/2 <br />feet. <br />Scalze asked if the elevation of the pond is dropped if Frattalone was looking <br />to move his building closer to the pond. Frattalone replied that he is proposing <br />to abide by the current high water mark that is 886.7. The Watershed is <br />considering dropping that elevation to 884. Frattalone pointed out, however, <br />that if the elevation changes he might want to utilize the additional area for <br />parking. <br />Fahey stated that it was unusual for the Watershed to change a high water <br />elevation. Frattalone pointed out that this change is not the result of any <br />request that he has made. <br />The Public Works Director pointed out that currently Blacktern Pond comes <br />within one -tenth of a foot of catch basins along Country Drive. Therefore, the <br />City and the Watershed are working to lower the elevation of the pond through <br />the establishment of an outlet. <br />Frattalone reported that his buildings are proposed at an 893 elevation. <br />Therefore, the elevation of pond does not affect these buildings. <br />Scalze indicated that she has a major problem with the "proof of parking" <br />option outlined by the City Planner. She pointed out that the Council recently <br />made properties in Ryan Industrial Park comply with parking requirements. <br />She felt it unfair to provide this option for the Frattalone proposal. <br />The City Planner indicated that proof of parking is a concept commonly used <br />in the Metro area. He noted that in some cases given the use of the property it <br />makes sense to use this option rather than pave surfaces that are not needed. <br />5 <br />PAGE 61 <br />