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03-22-2000 Council Agenda
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03-22-2000 Council Agenda
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6/27/2012 10:54:31 AM
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brick is applied only to the front facade and wrapping around the sides 32 feet. The brick <br />extends up the facade to the top of the building on the corners and eight feet up <br />surrounding the windows. No colors have been indicated, but the Architectural Guidelines <br />suggest natural colors other than "concrete grey ". <br />The building doors are evenly space along the west elevation with windows on either side. <br />The location of the doors facing Rice Street is positive, but additional architectural <br />detailing would add interest to the building. The architectural guidelines encourage <br />doorways to be recessed or protruding to create an undulating facade. Lintels or opening <br />heads accomplish this goal and are also encouraged by the Guidelines. As for the <br />windows, the Guidelines encourage awnings, which would be functional as well as <br />aesthetic for west and south facing windows. The doors into the service bay include one <br />door on the south facade set back from the front of the building 40 feet and two doors on <br />the rear. The color of these and other service doors should be consistent with that of the <br />painted concrete block. <br />The building plans includes wall signage for the auto - repair tenant. The proposed sign is <br />126 sq. ft. and leaves 429 sq. ft. of allowed sign area to be divided among the remaining <br />tenants (143 sq. ft. per space). It should be noted that the additional signs require a CUP <br />per Section 903.110.5.b of the Zoning Ordinance and submission of a comprehensive <br />signage plan. The site plan also indicates a pylon sign near the south entrance, but no <br />plans have been submitted. This sign must conform with the provisions of Section <br />903.110.E.5.c of the Zoning Ordinance. <br />The applicant has also submitted a preliminary plat to combine all of the respective parcels <br />into two lots and one outlot. Lot 1 includes the retail /auto repair building and Lot 2 <br />includes the existing stucco storage building. The outlot is being created simply to <br />facilitate the likely transfer of this parcel to an adjacent property owner, which the City will <br />assist with. If these respective applications are approved, a final plat suitable for recording <br />will be required. <br />RECOMMENDATION <br />The proposed development of a building accommodating minor auto repair and retail uses <br />is generally consistent with the Comprehensive Plan for the area and purpose of the B-4 <br />Zoning District. Further, the condition use auto repair use can be accomplished in a <br />manner compatible with surrounding uses. In developing the site, a variance from the rear <br />yard setback is justified based upon the shallowness of the existing lot of record. As such, <br />our office recommends approval of the applications, subject to the following conditions: <br />1. No auto repair may occur outside the principal building and the service bay doors <br />are to remain closed at all times except when moving vehicles in /out of the building. <br />Page 65 <br />
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