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more persons in any one occurrence, $10,000 because of injury to or <br />destruction of property of others in any one occurrence, $50,000 <br />for loss of means of support of any one person in any one <br />occurrence, and $100,000 for loss of means of support of two or <br />more persons in any one occurrence; or <br />(b) a bond of a surety company with minimum coverages as <br />provided in paragraph (a); or <br />(c) a certificate of the state treasurer that the <br />licensee has deposited with the state treasurer $300,000 in cash or <br />securities which may legally be purchased by savings banks or for <br />trust funds having .a market value of $300,000. <br />702.040. LICENSE FEES. <br />(1) Each application for a license shall be accompanied by a <br />receipt for payment in full of the required fee for the license. <br />All fees shall be paid into the general fund of the City. Upon <br />rejection of any application for a license, the City Administrator <br />shall refund the amount paid. <br />(2) Every license except a temporary license shall run for a <br />period of one (1) year from July 1 in each year. If a portion of <br />the license year has elapsed when the license is granted, the <br />license shall be issued for the remainder of the year for a pro <br />rata fee. In computing such a fee, any unexpired fraction of a <br />month shall be counted as one month. A temporary license shall be <br />issued for a specific period in which a special event to which the <br />sale is incident is being held and such period shall be stated on <br />the license. <br />(3) The annual fee for a nonintoxicating 3.2 percent malt <br />liquor license is $100.00 per year. <br />702.050. APPROVAL OR DENIAL OF LICENSE APPLICATION. <br />(1) The City Council shall investigate all facts set out in <br />the application. The investigation shall include an inspection of <br />the premises by the local Fire Chief and a search to determine <br />whether or not the applicant has a policy record. After such <br />investigation and hearing, the Council shall grant or refuse the <br />application in its discretion. <br />(2) Each license shall be issued to the applicant only and <br />shall not be transferrable to another holder. Each license shall <br />be issued only for the premises described in the application. No <br />license may be transferred to another place without the approval of <br />the Council. Upon the death of a nonintoxicating 3.2 percent malt <br />liquor licensee, his or her personal representative may continue <br />operation of the business within the terms of the license for a <br />period of up to but not exceeding 90 days. <br />702 -3 <br />Page 59 <br />