b. No person xha!i post. display, affix or attach any sign.
<br />poster, placard, notice. banner or advertisement to any
<br />tree, building, shelter, fence, pole or other structure
<br />except with the written permission of the Director.
<br />c. No person shall use loudspeakers, sound amplifying equip-
<br />ment, musical equipment or cause any noise to be made
<br />for advertising purposes or for the purpose of attract-
<br />ing attention to any exhibition, performance, event.,
<br />show or other purpose except with the written permission
<br />of the Director.
<br />4.17 Unlawful Sales
<br />No person shall sell, offer for sale, hawk, peddle or lease
<br />any object, merchandise or service or carry on any manner of
<br />business or commercial enterprise except those concessions
<br />authorized or operated by the Board.
<br />4,18 Soliciting Alms
<br />No person shall beg or solicit alms, donations or contributions.
<br />4.19 Photography
<br />No person shall take any photographs, or motion or sound pic-
<br />tures for commercial purposes or for use in commercial ad-
<br />vertising except with the written permission of the Director.
<br />4.20 Utilities
<br />a. The location, construction or erection of any sewer,
<br />gas pipe, water pipe, hydrant, lamp post, telephone
<br />and electric power post, conduit, pump, lift station
<br />and other utility feature proposed in any Open Space
<br />Site shall be subject to the approval of the Board.
<br />b. No person, firm or corporation shall construct or re-
<br />locate any of these utility installations or fixtures
<br />without the written permission of the Director.
<br />c. Every person, firm or corporation who shall receise e
<br />contract or permit to do work shall after such work has
<br />commenced and until the same has been completed, iso-
<br />late the construction area by security fencing. warning
<br />lights and signs, or other appropriate measures that
<br />will protect the public from exposure to danuer and
<br />prevent unnecessary accidents.
<br />4.2) Lost and Found Articles
<br />Lost or mislaid articles or money or personal property which
<br />are found in any Open Space Site shall be delivered or turned
<br />over to the Ramsey County Sheriff's Patrol Station or to the
<br />nearest on -duty law enforcement officer. If the lawful owner
<br />of any article or money deposited with the Sheriff does not
<br />claim the same within a period of sixty (60) days, it shall
<br />be returned to the finder upon request.
<br />4.22 Law Enforcement Officers and Employees
<br />a. No person shall willfully resist, refuse or fail to com-
<br />ply with any order, direction or request lawfully given
<br />by any law enforcement officer or Department employee
<br />acting under the authority of the Board and in accordance
<br />with this ordinance.
<br />b. No person shall interfere with, or in any manner hinder
<br />any Department employee or law enforcement officer during
<br />the performance Of his assigned duties; nor any employee
<br />of a contractor or other County department engaged in
<br />construction, repairing or caring for any Open Space Site
<br />or part thereof, or while in the discharge of duties
<br />conferred by this ordinance.
<br />4.23 Posted Regulations, Directional Signs and Graphics
<br />No person shall disregard or fail to comply with any posted
<br />regulations, directional signs and graphics, barriers or
<br />other control devices located within any Open Space Site or
<br />on any parkway.
<br />a. No person shall drive or operate a motor vehicle within any
<br />Open Space Site except upon roadways, parking areas, parkways
<br />or other areas designated for such use. Disabled vehicles
<br />may be moved off a paved area to allow for the continued flow
<br />of traffic but the vehicle must be repaired or removed within
<br />two hours, unless other arrangements are made with the Director.
<br />b. No person shall operate a motor vehicle within any Open Space
<br />Site or on any parkway in violation of posted regulations and
<br />directional signs; Chapter 169, Minnesota Statutes, 1974, as
<br />amended; county or municipal traffic ordinances, or orders or
<br />direction of law enforcement officers or Department employees.
<br />c. No person shall drive or operate a vehicle on or along any
<br />roads, drives or parking lots which have been restricted,
<br />closed or posted with appropriate signs or barricades. The
<br />Director shall have the authority to order roads, drives or
<br />parking lots within any Open Space Site or any parkway closed
<br />during the process of construction, reconstruction, or repair
<br />or when in his opinion, weather conditions render travel un-
<br />safe or unduly destructive.
<br />d. No person shall operate a motor vehicle in a careless or reck-
<br />less manner or without due regard for the safety and rights
<br />of pedestrians and drivers and occupants of all other vehicles,
<br />so as to endanger the life, limb or property of any other per-
<br />son while in lawful use of an Open Space Site.
<br />e.
<br />f.
<br />9.
<br />h.
<br />J.
<br />k.
<br />1.
<br />m.
<br />n.
<br />No person shall park, stop, or leave a vehicle in any Open
<br />Space Site or on any parkway between the hours of 11:00 p.m.
<br />to 5:00 a.m., unless arrangements are made with the Director.
<br />No person shall operate a vehicle in any Open Space Site or on
<br />any parkway at a speed to excess of 15 miles per hour or in
<br />excess of posted speed limits.
<br />No person shall operate a vehicle in any Open Space Site which
<br />emits excessive or irritating noise, noxious fumes, dense smoke
<br />or other pollutants.
<br />No person shall wash, grease, change oil, service or repair any
<br />vehicle in any Open Space Site. All disabled vehicles shall
<br />quickly be made operational or removed from the Open Space Site.
<br />No person shall park a vehicle adjacent to any curb painted
<br />yellow in any Open Space Site.
<br />Vehicles illegally parked, disabled or abandoned may be towed
<br />away and impounded at the owner's expense. Said vehicle may
<br />be sold if unclaimed after ninety (90) days to pay towing and
<br />storage charges.
<br />No person shall drink, consume or have in his possession an
<br />open bottle or container of an alcoholic or intoxicating bever-
<br />are In any motor vehicle when such vehicle is in an Open Space
<br />Site or on a parkway.
<br />Vehicles shall yield the right -of -way at all times to pedes-
<br />trians.
<br />No person shall participate in a drag race or test of unreason-
<br />able acceleration in any Open Space Site or on any parkway.
<br />No person shall cause any taxi, limousine or other vehicle for
<br />hire to stand in any Open Space Site or on any parkway' fo- the
<br />purpose of soliciting or taking in passengers other than those
<br />who requested or were carried to the site by said vehicle, un-
<br />less licensed by the Board.
<br />6.1 Regulations in this Port
<br />a.
<br />b.
<br />Any person violating any of the provisions of this
<br />ordinance, shall be adjudged guilty of a misdemeanor.
<br />Any person violating any of the provisions of this
<br />ordinance may be expelled, elected or ousted at such
<br />time from an Open Space Site at the discretion of a
<br />law enforcement officer,
<br />This ordinance upon promulgation repeals all pre - existing regula-
<br />tions in force, except that such regulations shall be deemed to be
<br />in force for the purpose of perfecting any right vested, accrued or
<br />arising therefrom.
<br />The provisions of this ordinance shall be separable, and the in-
<br />validity of any section, paragraph, sub - paragraph, subdivision or
<br />other part thereof shall not make void, impair, invalidate or
<br />affect the remainder thereof.
<br />Passed by-the 8oprd of Ramsey County Commissioners on this Bth day of Dec. 1975.
<br />_ I
<br />Chairman of Board Of County Cwm stoners /county Administrator
<br />) 5S
<br />I, Harry E. Marshall. Executive Secretary, duly appointed and qualified
<br />for Ramsey County, Minnesota do hereby certify that the foregoinq copy Is a
<br />true and correct transcript of a resolution adopted by the Board of Ramsey
<br />County Commissioners on December 8, 1975.
<br />Dated at St. Paul, Minnesota this 8th day of December 1975.
<br />ui— Ar 1i.
<br />RRY , recut ve Secretary
<br />