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MINUTES <br />Planning Commission <br />Dec. 2, 1982 <br />Little Canada Mr. Brody submitted to the Commission a letter from Snyders <br />Mall(Cont.) explaining the problems they are having because of the lack <br />of a sign. Mrs. Timmons commented that the letter might not <br />have been written if there had been a sign no matter what the <br />height. <br />Mr. DeLonais expressed concern that every merchant will want <br />his name on the pylon. <br />Mr. Brody replied that Snyders will be the only merchant with its <br />name on the pylon. <br />Mr. Brody also reported that they are requesting the size of the <br />pylon to be 120 square feet. <br />The Planner reported that under the ordinance they are allowed a <br />25 square foot sign. <br />Mr. Brody stated that the sign would be 10 feet by 12 feet as <br />opposed to 5 feet by 5 feet. <br />Mrs. Timmons asked the size of the sign that would be allowed on <br />Viking Drive. The Planner replied that the sign would be 30 <br />feet high and 200 square feet in size as allowed under the ordinance. <br />Mr. Brody reported that there are currently no plans for the pylon <br />on Viking Drive. <br />Mr. LeMay moved approval of the variance requested by Viking Partnership <br />for an increase in the height of the pylon on Minnesota Avenue from <br />16 feet as allowed under the ordinance to 25 feet and an increase in <br />the size of the sign from 25 square feet to 120 square feet. <br />Motion seconded by Mr. Frattalone. <br />Motion carried 8 — 0. <br />Mr. French asked when Viking Partnership would begin building Phase II. <br />Mr. Brody replied that they would like to get started in the Spring. <br />Mrs. Timmons reported that she attended a workship in land use <br />planning directed at planning commissions. Mrs. Timmons reported that <br />the workshop was very interesting. <br />Mrs. Timmons stated that one of the things discussed was the ramifications <br />of approving or denying proposals. It was also pointed out the <br />importance of keeping exhibits. <br />The Planner stated that when the Planning Commission approves a <br />variance they should make sure that they have the grounds for <br />granting the variance. <br />