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PLANNING <br />Commission <br />August 5, 1982 <br />Metaltronics <br />(Cont.) <br />Mr. DeLonais stated that Metaltronics could not guarantee that <br />semis would not be on that side of the building. Pir. Chris Block, <br />the owner of Metaltronics, informed the Commission that there <br />would be no semis in the southeast corner of the building. This <br />area is for smaller trucks. <br />Mr. DeLonais asked if the Metaltronics building would have enough <br />parking. The Planner replied that the plan shows more parking <br />than what is required, however, they do not want to pave all the <br />parking. Metaltronics feels that with the number of employees they <br />have all the parking is not necessary. <br />The Planner commented that he has discussed the possibility of a <br />fire lane around the building. The Building Inspector has discussed <br />this with the Fire Chief and because there is no opening on the <br />west side of the building, the Fire Chief does not feel the fire <br />lane would be necessary. However, the Fire Department would like <br />to be able to get to the back corner of the building. <br />The Planner commented that the City's parking requirement is in the <br />Code for a purpose. If Metaltronics moved out of the building <br />and another business moved in, the new business could require more <br />parking than what had been provided for. The Planner suggested <br />that Metaltronics put up a letter of credit that would cover the <br />cost of the additional parking if necessary. <br />Mr. LeMay asked how long the temporary cul -de -sac would remain in <br />the area. The Planner replied that it would remain until the <br />residential property develops. <br />Mr. Block indicated to the Commission that Metaltronics plans on <br />paving the additional parking as the business grows. <br />Mr. DeLonais asked what was to happen with the hill to the west side <br />of the building. Mr. Larry Lee replied that he has topsoil stock- <br />piled that will be put on the west side and graded. <br />Mr. LeMay asked how critical the parking variance would be. The <br />Planner commented that it was not so critical that the City could <br />require the letter of credit previously described. Mr. LeMay was <br />concerned that as time passed, the letter of credit would be forgotten <br />about. <br />Mr. Lee explained to the Commission that a letter of credit would be <br />very expensive for Metaltronics to maintain. <br />Mr. LeMay asked if the parking area had to be blacktop. The Planner <br />replied that that was up to the City Council. <br />Mr. Sheehy described the landscaping that is planned for the Metaltronics <br />building. <br />Page -2- <br />