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Impact on Vacant Parcels <br />The intent of the utilization of PUD zoning here is to encourage <br />as high a quality of industrial development as possible, given <br />the existence of severe soil limitations in the area. While it <br />is the City Council's intent to adhere to the I -P standards as <br />closely as possible, PUD zoning will permit some flexibility in <br />the application of those standards to specific sites and <br />proposals. Where the soils or other site problems restrict the <br />building materials or site utilization, the Council may relax or <br />modify its standards in one area to allow development which <br />exceeds the minimum standards in another area. Although PUD <br />zoning may allow any particular land use type, industrial or <br />commercial uses are directed by the Comprehensive Plan's proposed <br />land use map. <br />Impacts on Existing Development <br />Since there are no specific performance standards in the PUD <br />District such as lot coverage or building materials, expansions <br />of existing uses and structures will be handled case by case, <br />similar to new development on vacant land. Existing, legally <br />established uses and buildings are "grandfathered" into the new <br />district in their current situation. Changes to the use, whether <br />they be an expansion of the site use or intensification of <br />certain performance standards would be negotiated at the time of <br />an application for building or zoning permit approval. <br />RECOMMENDATION <br />We believe the proposed PUD zoning to be a positive compromise <br />measure between retaining the existing I -1 and rezoning to I -P <br />District. In a PUD District, the City can be reasonably assured <br />of as high quality development as is practicable, while the <br />property owner can expect to be able to develop to performance <br />standards which are rigorous but not so much that they make <br />development an economic unreality. We recommend that the <br />rezoning of the subject property to Planned Unit Development <br />(PUD) be approved. <br />cc: <br />Joe Chlebeck <br />Tom Sweeney <br />John Palacio <br />Don Carley <br />Page 8 <br />