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02/21/1979 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
02/21/1979 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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Paye -2- February 21, 1979 <br />Mr. McLean pointed out that some of the lots did not meet the required 150' frontage. <br />Mr. Gourley noted that the 40' easement for a private driveway was not adequate for <br />approval of a building permit in the future. Mr. Gourley noted that the private drive- <br />way would divide the open space area and this City has not had any experience with this <br />concept before. <br />Mr. McLean asked if the lake level had been established. Mr. Hill did not know and Mr. <br />McLean noted this would have to be done in the future. He suggested that Mr. Hill contact <br />Bob Hamilton at the Rice Creek Watershed District for rnore information on this situation. <br />Mr. McLean explained to the Board this plat is the property Metro Open Space wants to <br />add to the Otter Lake Regional Park. Mr. Hill asked the City's official position on <br />this matter? Mr. McLean said that the City might be willing to go along with a buffer <br />zone but that is the fullest extent of this City's position. <br />Mr. Gourley told Mr. Hill and Mr. Blomquist that this Board would like to see a letter <br />from the Counties regarding their intention with respect to County Road "J". Also the <br />lot frontage and easement will have to meet ordinances. The Board would like to see <br />the revised drawings. <br />Plat - W and G Rehbein <br />Mr. Gordon Rehbein represented W & G Rehbein and explained his preliminary sketch drawing. <br />Mr. McLean asked Mr. Rehbein if a temporary cul-de-sac could be located at the south <br />end of 18th Avenue. Mr. Rehbein said this was possible. Mr. McLean said the area in <br />the lots bordering the UPA easement would have to be calculated as at least one acre <br />without the easement. This would be the same for the County ditch. <br />Mr. Gourley noted that 18th Avenue and 76th Street are not located on any section lines <br />and could pose problems when given house numbers. He suggested streets be given names <br />rather than numbers. <br />Mr. McLean noted that the Park Board will probably recommend cash in lieu of park land <br />for this plat. <br />Mr. Rehbein said he would continue his planning taking into consideration the Planning <br />and Zoning Boards recommendations. <br />Rezone - El Rehbein and Son (Quadriminiums) Jerry Blackbird <br />Mrs. Anderson read the letters submitted by the City Engineer and Planner regarding this <br />plat. <br />Mr. Reinert noted that neither consultant had addressed the social impact of this type <br />of development. <br />Mr. Theimich frorn the audience asked who Barton Aschman is? Mr. McLean explained that <br />this is the firm retained by this City for City Planning. <br />Mr. Reinert moved to recommend to Council denial of the rezoning based on the controver- <br />sial nature of the plat and the lack of information with respect to the social impact <br />and lack of information regarding the density impact and recommend the Council set a <br />public hearing. <br />Mr. Gourley said he had talked to the City Attorney who said that as long as all the ord- <br />inance.requirements are met by the land owner requesting rezoning a public hearing should <br />
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